💪 Eijirou/Katsuki 💥 [Part 1]

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Head Canon: Telling Her Parents

The One Where Poly!KiriBaku Come Out To Your Mother.


💥💪 You, Kirishima, and Bakugo have been dating for a while now.

💥💪 An amazing six months. Tonight was your six month anniversary. You wanted to finally tell your parents.

💥💪 You already told Kirishima and Bakugo's parents. They loved you and welcomed you with open arms. A third and second home.

💥💪 You were scared to tell your mom. She was an abrasive woman. She didn't like modern ideas. She often disapproved of you, and things you do. You always tried to get her approval but it never came.

💥💪 Maybe she'd approve? You had TWO great boyfriends whom you loved. They also had powerful quirks, something your mother thought a spouse needed. What's not to love.


💥💪 You were sat on Bakugos bed, Head leaning on his chest.

💥💪 "Hey, Kacchan?"

💥💪 Bakugo didn't like it when people called him that. Especially not Deku. But he let you and Kiri call him it.

💥💪 "What's up to Princess?"

💥💪 You loved how he said, Princess. It just rolled off his tongue, and his voice was so soft with you.

💥💪 "Will you and Eiji meet my parents tonight? Please?"

💥💪 "Of course baby, since you asked so nicely."

💥💪 He leaned down and kissed your lips. His lips felt hot.

💥💪 Kirishima came into the room. He sat down on the bed and nuzzled himself in your neck.

💥💪 "Kissin' without me?"

💥💪 He kisses your shoulder, and you kiss his cheek.

💥💪 "Wanna meet my parents?"

💥💪 His hand caresses your cheek.

💥💪 "I'd like that."

💥💪 "It's settled then. You'll meet my parents tonight "


💥💪 You informed your mom you would be having some people over for dinner.

💥💪 To which she responded with a shocked, "I didn't know you had friends."

💥💪 Your mother could be such a bitch.

💥💪 You set the table, making sure Bakugo was to your right. Kirishima to your left.

💥💪 The boys got there on time. Punctual. You told them if they weren't punctual, you were breaking up.

💥💪 You first presented them to your mother, like a trophy. Just begging for validation.

💥💪 "Mom. This is, Kirishima Eijirou, and Bakugo Katsuki."

💥💪 "Oh, when you said we're inviting someone over. I was expecting someone like that Todoroki boy. He's in your class, isn't he? You should befriend him. I hear he's got quite the quirk."

💥💪 Your boyfriends look at you as if asking, 'Is she serious?'

💥💪 You notice bakugos fist. It was shaking. You grab it and soothingly rub your thumb up and down his fist to calm him down.

💥💪 "Mom, I think the foods burning."

💥💪 You grab your boyfriend's hands and drag them to the dinner table.

💥💪 "She can be snarky, and a bitch. Just be respectful."

💥💪 Your mom and step-dad sat down across from you guys.

💥💪 You guys put food on your plates.

💥💪 Bakugo leaves his hand resting on your thigh.

💥💪 Your mother starts talking.

💥💪 "So, when did you become friends with my daughter?"

💥💪 "Um, actually mom were dating."

💥💪 She narrows her eyes.

💥💪 "Which one?"

💥💪 "B-both."

💥💪 Your mother laughs.

💥💪 "I'm serious honey, which one?"

💥💪 You clench your fists under the table.

💥💪 Bakugo and Kirishima grab your hands and lace your fingers together.

💥💪 "Both mom. It's called being polyamorous. All three of us love each other."

💥💪 Enraged. Probably embarrassed by you. Your mother yells.

💥💪 "I will not allow my daughter to date two boys, like some common WHORE."

💥💪 "Honey-" Your step-father tried to intervene. The glare she sent him to shut him up.

💥💪 Bakugo was ready to flip his shit, but you wouldn't let him.

💥💪 "I'm not a whore. We love each other."

💥💪 "GOD. You're probably fucking them both. Pick one, and send the other home before I send them both home."

💥💪 You stand up. Still, hand in hand with your boyfriends.

💥💪 "Mother. I will not pick between them. We love each other, and God, I am not a whore. I'm a fucking virgin."

💥💪 "Do. Not. Ever, raise your voice at me."

💥💪 "You know what mother? I've always strived for your approval. But I don't care anymore. Your such a fuckin' bitch. You push me down, with what could be called verbal abuse. I hate you."

💥💪 After you yelled at her, you ran upstairs to your room. You threw clothes in a bag and ran back downstairs.

💥💪 "Come, we're leaving. Oh, yeah, and [Moms Name]? I'm never stepping foot in the house again."

💥💪 Eiji grabbed your bag, and you three got in Bakugos car.

💥💪 You let the tears fall.

💥💪 They try to comfort you.

💥💪 "You've got it all wrong. I'm not sad. I'm happy I finally stood up to my mom."


Edited: 12-16-19

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