❄️ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Requested By: OfficialKKyotoKatt

Imagine: #5 Things I Love About You

The One With Five Reasons Shouto Loves You.


#1 - The Way You Kiss Things Better

Shoto and you were best friends. You both came from rich families and grew up in the same neighborhood.

Six-year-old Shoto Todoroki and you were friends. Despite his train crazy father, he found time to sneak out of the house and play with you.

This time when he came to see you, he had a fresh scar on his face. Although he was only six, he knew his father was a monster. But he didn't understand why his mother would throw boiling water on him.

He knocked on your door and your mother answered the door, you hidden behind her legs. Once you saw Shoto, you leave the comforts of your mother and pull him in the house.

Shoto kinda envied how you had such a caring mother you could hide behind.

"Shoto, what happened to your eye?"

Shoto subconsciously touched his eye, where his scar is. He wasn't sure if he should say what happened, but he trusted you.

"My mom poured boiling hot water on me."

Your face looked so sad, and your heart ached for Shoto. You couldn't imagine having a mother who could do such things.

"Oh, can I kiss it better?"

Shoto couldn't tell what it was he was feeling when he saw your sad face after what he told you. But a small hue graced his cheeks while your 5-year-old lips kissed the bandage over his eye.

Shoto would in the future years associate this feeling with love.

#2 - They Way Your Protective

You and Shoto started UA together. Both getting in by recommendation. Being neighbors and best friends, you walked together every day.

Every day, Shoto would offer to carry your bag, but you always declined. School bags were very heavy, you thought it wouldn't be fair for him to carry both of your bags.

Upon first arriving at UA you made many friends, Shoto was less than pleased to say he was jealous.

However, you stood by Shotos side throughout the school days, barely parting. You always remained Shotos best friend, and he was yours.

It wasn't until one month of attending UA, you and Shoto had the displeasure of meeting class 1-B's Neito Monoma.

"So you're at the top of class 1-A? HA. What a joke. Can you even see properly with that scar."

You saw how stunned Shoto was after being insulted. You were having none of that. How dare this, over-gelled prick insult your best friend.

You started to stomp over towards Neito to rip him a new one. He was gonna regret ever opening his mouth.

"Listen here you god-damn colossal asshole. I'm gonna punch you so fucking hard your teeth break."

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