❄ Shouto Todoroki 🔥 [Part 2]

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Warning: Endeavor

Drabble: "I don't think I can do this anymore."

The One With A Prince And A Pauper, Part Two.


Shotos hand found its way into your shaking one. His thumb lightly creating small soft circles into your skin.

"What if they don't like me?"

"Who wouldn't like you? You're perfect."

Your small horse-drawn carriage comes to a stop. Your heart pounding in your chest. As soon as you left this carriage, you would be announcing your relationship with Shoto. Prince Shoto.

Your secret love affair. Your secret marriage.

Shoto would become king, with you by his side as his queen. The people would either love you or hate you. That made you nervous. No doubt his father would hate you, but once he was dethroned it wouldn't matter.

Shoto opens the carriage door and gets out. The cheers of the people can be heard. Their beloved prince, back after some prompt two-month mystery trip. Mystery trip being your secret honeymoon.

He holds his hand out for you to take. As your shaky hands enter him again, he helps you out. Careful not to snag your expensive exquisite dress. Only the best for his queen after all.

You make your way past the crowd, hands intertwined. He pulls you close to him as the people watch you. Some with excitement: Had their precious prince found a bride?

Others were weary: Who was this mystery girl? Regardless, they showed smiles. He was now married and knew better than to speak against the new queen. Endeavour would have them thrown in the dungeon for speaking out. Shoto would change that. He wanted his people to feel free to speak.

You and Shoto stop once you reach the castle entrance. His father stood there, a scowl on his face.

"Where have you been? Princess Yaoyorozo has been waiting."

"I told you! I'm not going to wed her."

"You will! her parents expect a wedding!"

Shoto pulls you close to him.

"There will not be a wedding between me and Princess Yaoyorozu. I've already found a bride."

His father glares at you.

"This hussy? You can't marry a peasant. Marry Yaoyorozu or you won't be king at all."

Can and will. Bitch.

"[Y/N] will be my bride. We've already wed."

"You already wed her!? Who are the witnesses? You can't be married without a witness."

He looked evilly at you both. You were screwed. Reveal them, and they die. Don't reveal them, and you have no proof of being married.

"We were the witnesses. What are you gonna do? Kill your sons?"

Shoto's brother Touya speaks out, the third brother trailing behind him.

"Touya, Natsuo. Why would you let your brother do this? Don't you realize what the Yaoyorozu family could do for us."

"I once had love. You destroyed him. I won't let you hurt Shoto."

"Alright, there are other ways to get rid of a marriage."

Endeavor draws his sword. Shoto pushes you towards Natsuo as he and Touya both draw their own swords. Natsuo pushes you behind him and draws his sword while taking you somewhere safe.

"I think your forgetting I'm married now. That makes me the king and she, my queen. Touch one hair on her head and I'll have a liable reason to send a whole army after you."

"I will never let that tramp be the queen of my kingdom!"

He aims his sword at Touya and swings at him. In one swift movement, Shoto moves his sword. His father never he thought he'd have the guts. Shoto slid his sword in his father's chest from behind.

A smile made its way onto Shotos face as he pushed it farther in.

"It's my kingdom now."


Edited: 1-24-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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