💪 Eijirou/Katsuki 💥

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Head Canon: Dating Poly!KiriBaku

The One Where It's Just General Dating Head Canons.


💥💪 You were best friends with Kirishima growing up.

💥💪 When you came to UA, he introduced you to Bakugo. Bam, soon you become a trope of best friends.

💥💪 Despite his attitude towards everyone, Bakugo was nice to you. Maybe that's what attracted you to him.

💥💪 One day, when you were holed up in your room playing video games. He just compliments you out of the blue. Then he kissed you.

💥💪 You were kinda frantic on the inside. Did it mean something? Was he just being friendly?

💥💪 But this was Bakugo, he doesn't just kiss people.

💥💪 You decide to let it go, if he likes you, he'll have to tell you.

💥💪 About a week later you were walking home with Kirishima, and he kisses your cheek.

💥💪 It was sweet and made you blush, but did Bakugo and Kiri have feelings for you?

💥💪 Soon you start noticing a difference in Kirishima and Bakugo. They both always wanted to hold your hand. They wanted to carry your bag and books. They offered to pay for your lunch. They bickered about who could sit next to you.

💥💪 One day Kirishima asks you out, your about to say yes, but then Bakugo asks you out. Conflicted, you tell them both you'll have to think about it.

💥💪 This goes on for weeks. You just don't know how to pick. Sweet, manly, Kirishima, or passionate, hot-headed Bakugo?

💥💪 That's when they came to you with a third option. They wanted to try a polyamorous relationship. Where you all three loved each other. It was beneficial for all of you.

💥💪 After you started dating it was blissful.

💥💪 You guys would walk with each of them holding one if your hands.

💥💪 Kirishima would hold your bag, and Bakugo would hold your books.

💥💪 They'd always insist on paying for your lunch unless Bakugo made you guys lunch. (Although if they weren't paying attention, you'd quickly pay it yourself, and attempt to pay for theirs.)

💥💪 They were ultra-protective of you.

💥💪 A lot of the time people made fun of you for having two boyfriends. If they dared hear someone utter such cruel words to you, Kirishima would comfort you, while Bakugo beat them up.

💥💪 "What did you just call her? Hold my lunch Kiri, I've got a fuckin' little punks ass to kick."

💥💪They always walked you home after school. Usually after treating you to something like ice cream and a walk through the park.

💥💪 Let's face it. They spoil you so much. It's draining their bank accounts.

💥💪 When you get a part-time job, they always walk you to work, and back.

💥💪 They get crazy jealous.

💥💪 If a guy is staring at you too much, Bakugo will get irked and violent.

💥💪 "Quit looking at her like she's a piece of fuckin' meat."

💥💪 Whereas Kiri takes a more gentle approach.

💥💪 "Hey man, it's not very manly to stare at another man's Women."

💥💪 You have nicknames for each other.

💥💪 You call Kirishima, Kiri, and your strong man.

💥💪 You call Bakugo your, Fiesty boy and Hothead.

💥💪 They call you, Princess, and Kitten.


Edited: 12-16-19

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