❄️ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Requested By: LuciaStarling

Imagine: Hostage

The One Where your parents are kidnapped.


You and everyone else in 1-A were staying at a beach. Nice weather, beautiful waves, sand between your toes. It was perfect.

However, this was not a leisure visit. Mr. Aizawa had a class field trip. Today you would be focusing on hostage rescuing.

"This week we'll be focusing on strengthening your quirks, and hostage rescue."

There were a few YEAH!'s and groans from people. What did they expect? This was Aizawa. Of course, this trip would have a catch to it.

You were excited. Your parents were vacationing on the other side of this beach. You hoped you could go visit them, seeing as this was a week-long trip.

Ever since moving to the dorms at UA, you hadn't gotten to see your parents much. This would be a great chance to catch up. However, you couldn't shake this sinking feeling in your stomach.


You talked to Mr. Aizawa about visiting your parents that night.

"Mr. Aizawa?"


"My parents are staying on the other side of the beach. I was wondering if it would be alright if I went to see them. Just for a few hours?"

"Alright, but be back by ten. You have training bright and early."

Smiling, you run off to see your parents.


You arrive at the house your parents are renting for the next two weeks. The door was unlocked. You ignore the feeling in your stomach. Your mom was quite forgetful.

You push the door open and stop in your tracks. Blood on the floor. It looked fresh, but there was enough to scare you. Your parent's blood...

You go further into the house, using your telekinesis quirk to bring some knives from the kitchen with you.

You were quite proud of your quirk. Your parents we're quirkless, as we're your grandparents.

You should have been quirkless, but inherited telekinesis from your great, great, grandfather.

You follow the trail of blood to a bedroom. You see someone guy with staples picking up your mother, she looked unconscious. Your father wasn't there. They probably already nabbed him.

You fling your knife at him but its too late. As you lock eyes, he walks through a warp gate.


Panting you run to where Mr. Aizawa is sleeping. If there are villains he needs to know.


Aizawa half-asleep wakes up at the word villain.

"Slow down."

"My parents were taken by villains."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes. I saw him. He escaped through a warp gate."

"First we'll check the other students. I doubt your parents were singled out."

You follow Aizawa to the tents set up on the beach for the students. Two for the girls. Two for the boys.



"I was worried. Some of the students were taken. I went to check on you and you were gone."

Shoto had his arms around. He wasn't a touchy person, but he was so scared you were taken. He needed to hold you. To feel you there. To truly know you were okay.

"Mr. Aizawa, Bakugo, Denki, and Yaoyorozu were taken."

"Go gather the other students. Tell them what's going on. I'm going to contact the other teachers."


Aizawa ended up taking the students back to the dorms. He also took you and Todoroki to give official statements, since you were the only ones to see the villains.

'Just wait. We have the best heroes searching.'

You sat in the UA dorms. Everyone else was asleep. You depressingly sat there. What good was hostage training, if you couldn't go looking for hostages?

Shoto wrapped his arms around you.

"They're gonna find your parents [Y/N]"

You stand up and yell.

"You don't know that! You weren't there! You didn't see the blood! The blood. They could be dead already."

Your telekinesis started going out of control. Things were flying everywhere.

Shoto wrapped his arms around you.

"Shh. It's okay. They've got Bakugo with them. He may be ill-tempered, but he's strong. He'll keep them safe. Yaoyorozu is there too. Just wait. Okay?"


At that moment Aizawa walked through the door.

"They found them."


Edited: 1-25-20

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