💪 Eijirou/Katsuki 💥

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Requested By: LilWrightingPodo

Warning: Homophobia.

Drabble: "We don't serve your type here."

The One Where Poly!KiriBaku Gets Rejected From A Restaurant.


You smiled as you swing your arms back and forth. You had your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo, on your right side. Your other boyfriend, Eijirou Kirishima, on your left.

"Somebody's excited."

"We just haven't been on a date in forever. I'm happy I get to spend some quality time with my sweethearts."

"I'm not a sweetheart."

You and Eijirou roll your eyes. Katsuki was the biggest sweetheart ever. He just didn't show it to anyone except you and Eijirou.

You walked into your favorite restaurant and stand in line to get seated. Some people walked in after you. You looked over and smile. It was Ochako and Izuku, followed by Shoto and his girlfriend Momo.

"The fuck are you doing here?"

"[Y/N] was raving to us about the food here."

"Great! My favorite restaurant, ruined."

"Kacchan, be civil."

"Yeah, I wanna enjoy our date."

A blush tints Katsuki's cheek but he shuts up and ignores his classmates while they waited. See what a sweetheart he was.

The waitress walked over to guide you to a table, only she didn't. She completely skipped over you and went straight to Ochako and Izuku who were next to you.

You, Eijirou, and Katsuki came here often enough to know the waiters and waitresses on a first name basis. You didn't recognize this woman, she must have been new. You decide to be nice and give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she thought you were together as a group?

"Ma'am, I and my boyfriends were next in line."

The waitress shoots you a disgusted look.

"We don't serve your type here."

Confused, you wrinkle your nose and look at Eijirou.

"Type? What, redheads?"

Eijirou pulls you close and whispers in your ear.

"She means because were polyamorous."

Your cheeks turn red out of embarrassment and anger, while your hand tightens around Katsuki and Eijirous.

You didn't want to come out, out of fear something like this would happen. Your mom rejected you due to your lifestyle and you had to live with your dad. How many times would you get rejected?

"You don't serve my fuckin' TYPE?"

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You're disrupting the atmosphere for the people in line behind you."

Izuku turns to his girlfriend.

"My atmosphere doesn't feel disrupted. Does yours?"

"Nope. Mine feels good."

You tug your boyfriend's hands to leave when Shoto and Momo address the waitress.

"The fact that you're refusing to serve this lovely couple disgusts me. I don't even want to eat here anymore."

"Do you know who I am? I'm the number two hero's son. One little tweet and your whole restaurant will go bye-bye."

Tears brim your eyes as your classmates defend you.

The doorbell to the restaurant rings to signify that another person walked in. Your turn your head and more tears cascade down your cheeks as you see your fathers, Hizashi, and Shouta.

"[Y/N]? Why are you crying?"

Shouta rushes towards you and pulls you in his arms. He shoots Katsuki a glare as he inspects you for injuries. He still didn't fully trust your boyfriends.

"I'm not physically hurt dad."

"What happened?"

"They... They're refusing to serve us..."

Shouta glares at the waitress.

"Take me to your manager."

"I don't think he wants to be bothered right now."

"I don't think he'd mind his old friend visiting."

The waitress pales and leads your father to an office that has a gold plate on the door that reads 'Manager.' Five minutes go by and she walks out crying with the manager in tow.

"I'm deeply sorry for the service you received. She's been fired."

You look over at your father and smile at him. Leave it to your father to get someone fired for making you sad.


Edited: 12-16-19

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