✋ Tomura Shigaraki ✋

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Requested By: LetUsDream_07

Drabble: "Don't touch me!"

The One With, Yandere!Tomura Shigaraki.

Angsty Prompts #5 And #57


Tomura laid on the bed in what he called your shared bedroom, but you never called it a shared bedroom. To you, it was simply his bedroom.

You laid beside Tomura, unwillingly. He had your hands tied to the headboard with rope. Quirk nullifying rope. He couldn't risk you getting lose and leaving him.

Tomura softly smiles at you and puts his hand on your waist using four of his five fingers. He didn't want his love disintegrating now, did he?

"Don't touch me!"

Today was a good day for him. He kidnapped that kid, Bakugo. This was a win for him. He just wanted his love to cherish and relish in this with him. Why were you being so difficult?

Why didn't you see that he needed you? That you needed him? That you loved each other? Sure, he originally kidnapped you because your All Might's beloved daughter, but it was different now.

Originally, he wanted to use you to get to Toshinori. He wanted to use you to hurt Toshinori. To possibly turn you into a villain and bring him to his demise.

But then Shigaraki got obsessed with you. You were his everything. How could you not be? You were perfect. The fact that your All Might's daughter was so much more attracting.

He wanted to keep you locked away in his room. Locked away from the rest of the world who would try to take you away. Locked away from lustful men with bad intentions. Locked away from your father.

He wanted you to be his, and his only. He wanted to have you at his complete disposal.

"Can't you see that I love you?"

He strokes your cheek with the back of his hand and you jerk your head away, scooting as far away from him as the rope holding you down would let you.

"Love me? You're just a monster."

Why did you always have to misbehave? He wouldn't have to hurt you if you just complied with him.

The soft smile Tomura had turned into the sadistic one you've grown familiar with as he pulls you closer to him by yanking your arm.

"I wouldn't have to be a monster if you'd learn to behave!"


Edited: 1-27-20

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