🐙 Tamaki Amajiki 🐙

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A/N: First Tamaki Drabble. I Love Him.

Drabble: "You kissed me..."

The One With The Kiss.


You hugged your books to your chest as you walked with your best friend Nejire Hado out of class 3-A. Hearing your name being called, Nejire and you stop walking. You turn around to see your brother Mirio calling out to you with Tamaki Amajiki trailing behind.

“Hey, Tamaki, Mirio. Me and [Y/N] were going to get some Valentine’s day ice cream, it’s only sold today and it’s really good. Wanna come?”

“I need to talk to you, privately.”



Mirio grabs Nejire by the arm and drags her off, out of your sight, but not before giving Tamaki a not so subtle wingman wink. You start to internally panic. You and Tamaki hadn’t been alone together or even really talked since the Shie Hassaikai rescue mission.



You hug the books tighter against your chest as you and Tamaki walk together.

“Been a while since it’s been just us.”

“We haven’t really talked since Shie Hassaikai.”

“Since you kissed me…”

Tamaki’s pointy elf ears turned pink, an easier tell that he was blushing without looking at his cheeks.

“Yeah… I can carry your books for you.”

Your grip on the books gets tighter and you stop walking. You turn your head and glare at Tamaki.

“I don’t want you to carry my books, I don’t even want to walk, I just want you to talk to me.”


“You kissed me– No, you kissed me in front of my brother, and then, you stopped talking to me…”

Your cheeks heated up as you looked at the ground.

“Was I… Was I a bad kisser–”

“No! I… I’m sorry. No, you were a great… Kisser.”

Tamaki takes a deep breath and looks down at his hands.

“You almost died and my first instinct was to kiss you, I didn’t think about the consequences of how it would impact our friendship, or if you even liked me back.”

Tamaki looks you in the eye with a frown on his face.

“I have been anxious and too sacred to talk to you because I didn’t know what you would say, and I’m scared I’ve wrecked our entire friendship.”

“You’re an absolute idiot Tamaki.”

You throw your books on the ground and wrap your arms around Tamaki. You bury your face in his chest. After days of not talking and nights full of loneliness and anxiety, you lift your lips to his little elf-ears.

“Tamaki, I have always loved you. You think I always hung out with my older brother because I thought he was cool? It was cause’ I was in love with his best friend.”


Edited: 2-8-20

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