🌶 Dabi 🌶

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Drabble: "Happy birthday, babe."

The One Where Dabi Never Had A Good Birthday.


Dabi didn't really celebrate his birthday. His father never really cared about birthdays, he was too busy preparing to surpass All Might. This being said, Enji Todoroki never cared to celebrate his children's birthdays.

That didn't mean the Todoroki children had bad birthdays. Dabi, previously Touya, the eldest Todoroki made sure to give his siblings a meaningful day.

Whether it was making sure the maid cooked his sibling's favorite breakfast and dinner or making sure to personally put his sibling's favorite snack in their lunch box, Touya did it.

So no, the Todoroki siblings never had a bad birthday, but Touya was gone now and he was no longer a Todoroki.

The Todoroki's didn't have bad birthdays but Dabi did. Dabi had no one, he was all alone. He had no one to cook him his favorite food, pack him his favorite snack, or wish him a happy birthday.

Dabi was all alone and he was at peace with that. He was perfectly fine with spending his birthday like any other ordinary day, alone.

He was at peace with it until he met you. Once he met you he realized he didn't like being alone. He wasn't really at peace with it, he was sad when you weren't around.

With half-lidded eyes Dabi stared down at your text.

[Y/N]: Doing shit for Shiggy. Don't know when I'll be back.

He was disappointed. He didn't need his favorite meal or a snack. He didn't want for you to make a big deal over it, he just wanted you to wish him a happy birthday and hold him in your arms.

Dabi didn't really do anything on his birthday this year. He spent it like he usually did, pack of beer and a crappy movie. He thought maybe he would treat himself today because his lover would be with him, but those plans were ruined.

The clock chimed ten and Dabi considered just heading to bed. He did work in the morning and he just wanted to sleep the disappointment and sadness away.

On his way to bed, there were some bangs on the door. Tired, Dabi walked over and opened the door. You stood there in one of his hoodies with grocery bags in your hands.

"Happy birthday, babe."

"You remembered?"

"Of course I remembered. You're important to me."

Dabi stood aside and let you in. You put the grocery bags down on the counter and pulled out his favorite food from the restaurant you would always visit together after late-night jobs from the league.

"I'm sure you probably already ate, but it's your birthday so have a second dinner."

Dabi wrapped his arms around his lover's waist from behind and rested his head in the crook of your neck.

"You didn't have to do this."

"Just wait until you see the cake."

"You got me a cake?"

"Yeah, made it myself."

Dabi kissed his lover's cheek and takes in the moment. No one had made him a birthday cake before, but the cake sitting in front of him made his childhood birthday memories disappear.


Edited: 1-18-20

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