📝 Shouta Aizawa 📝

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Requested By: WolvesStory-the-one

I STG, you better catch my reference. No one caught my Live action Lion King reference in my Shoto!Royal AU.

Imagine: Three Inches

The One Where Hizashi Yamada's Sister Is Dating Shouta.


You sat at a lunch table in UA’s cafeteria with the big three. By the big three, you meant Nemuri Kayama, Shouta Aizawa, and your big brother, Hizashi Yamada.

Everyone thought it was weird that you were siblings, and despite what your big brother tells you, you were not adopted.

You were quiet and shy, whereas your brother was loud and rowdy. One of the only things you had in common was wanting to be heroes. He was Present Mic: The Loud Hero. You were [Insert Name]: The Quiet Hero.

Your brother made you sit with the big three because he was super protective of you. As loud and childish as he was, he was serious about one thing, you. Although, sitting with them did have its perks.

Being a first-year student, it gave you huge street cred. Plus you got to sit with Shouta. However, everyone wanted to be your friend. But you were incredibly shy.

That didn’t stop people from approaching you. Mix in your brother's protectiveness, and it became a game. An unspoken game called “Who can get Big Three’ Hizashi’s sister.”

Shouta and you made subtle eye contact from across the table. He was your boyfriend. Secret boyfriend. Your brother was super protective of you. You both knew if he found out you were with his best friend he’d be mad.

“We should go out tonight.”

Nemuri, your best friend, and brother's girlfriend suggested the idea.

“That’s a great IDEA!”

“We can double. Me and you, Shouta and [Y/N].”

Your brother huffs and crosses his arms, while he glares at his girlfriend. She was always trying to set you and Shouta up, if only she knew.

“[Y/N] is busy tonight.”

You squeak out a reply to their conversation. As shy as you were, you would not pass up a date with Shouta and a chance to annoy your brother.

“No, I’m not Hizashi.”

“Well, you're not coming.”

He starts glaring at you.

“Why? You always tell me I should go out more.”

“Not on DATES! Your not allowed to have a boyfriend!”

“You think I’m gonna ruin your sister Hizashi? We both know I’d rather take a nap.”

You try to hide your smile thinking about all the times he could have slept with you, but instead, you napped together.

“Fine, we can all go out… But it’s not an actual date for you.”


You quietly grinned in the mirror as you got ready. You didn’t dress up often, but you wanted to look pretty for Shouta. It was your first public date since you always had to sneak around your brother.

Nemuri was in the room with you, laying in your bed, eating your chips, and going through your magazines.

“Look at you! Getting all sexy for Shouta.”

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