💪 Eijirou/Katsuki 💥

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Requested By: TheQuietSoftGurl

Drabble: "After all this time?"

The One Where Eijirou Kirishima Must Fight His Ex-Boyfriend.


You laid on the soft couch of a well-furnished house. You would say it was a pretty house, and that you enjoyed staying in it, however, you were being forced to stay which relinquished any joy could have from being there.

Your hands were tied tightly. You have been stuck like this for days, being fed and moved around by your capture. It was times like this that you wished you had a quirk. Maybe if you had a quirk, you could escape.

Your spikey blond capture Katsuki Bakugo walked into the room. You let your head fall back on the couch and pretended to be asleep.

He was one of the worse villains out there. He was always on the news with a new kill or crime being broadcast daily.

You hated being stuck with him. He was dangerous, and you were weak. He found some obsessive strange attraction to you, but you could never return those feelings.

You could never love some cold-hearted villain when you were in love with a hero, and you could certainly not love him when he kept you chained up and deprived of the world like this

"Wake up, Baby-Girl."

You kept your eyes shut and tried to even out your breathing. You hoped if he let you sleep he would leave you alone. You just needed to kill time until your boyfriend, Eijirou Kirishima, came for you.

Katsuki runs his fingers through your hair and grips it. He pulls your head up by your hair forcing you to 'wake up' and look at him.

"No one sleeps for that long, I know you're faking it. I hate fucking fakes."

You whimper as he lets go of your hair and grabs you by the arm. He roughly drags you into the other room. You're sure he left bruises.

"To think I had made you a nice dinner."

You silently stand there, scared to further piss him off. Maybe that was your mistake. Standing there meekly seemed to just piss him off even more.

Katsuki grabs your arms and pins you against the wall. He leans in close. You could feel his hot breath in your face.

"Say something, you meek quirkless slut."

Again, you're stricken by fear. Katsuki brings his hand up and grips your throat. He wasn't going to kill you, only scare you by briefly cutting off your air supply.

Katsuki is pushed off of you by a solid punch to the face. You fall to the floor, hand coming up to massage your esophagus as you gasped for air.

"Keep your hands off of her."

You look over to see Eijirou fighting Katsuki. He finally found you after a week of being stuck here. Eijirou got the upper hand having had the element of surprise, he nearly had Katsuki beat.

"So your the little hero boyfriend she swore would save her."

"What, surprised to see me after all this time?"

Eijirou got ready to pierce Katsuki with his sharp rock hands, the final blow that would kill him.

"You really gonna kill me Eiji? After everything we've been through? Kill us?"

"You killed us when you walked away from being a hero. You killed us when you chose to kill for fun. You killed us, not me."

A tear leaked down Eijirou's cheek as he pierced Katsuki in the chest. He didn't want to kill him, but he couldn't let Katsuki go around killing anymore.

You crawled over to Eijirou and wrapped your arms around him. You dropped your face in his neck with relief. As Eijirou pulled you closer he knew he made the right choice.

He was a hero. He was meant to protect civilians like you. He was a hero meant to keep you safe. He had to do it. He had to.


Edited: 12-10-19

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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