💥 Katsuki Bakugo 💥

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Imagine: My Forever

The One Where Katsuki Bakugo Must Streighten His Life Out For His Family.


Stay, for tonight, If you want to, I can show you, What my dreams are made of, As I'm dreaming of your face


You had married the great 'King Explosion Murder' Katsuki Bakugo.

Everyone knew Katsuki had anger issues. But that didn't stop you from going out with him. It didn't stop you from falling for him. It didn't stop you from marrying him.

But his anger issues were getting too hard to handle. He'd come home late and stressed. He would yell at you, and say things he'd regret. You couldn't take it anymore. You were his wife and deserved better. So you packed your bags.

"Think about this."

"I did, I think we need space. J-just for a little bit. It's just temporary, I promise."


Katsuki punched the wall, as he watched you walk out the door, bags in hand.


I've been away, for a long time, Such a long time, And I miss you there, I can't imagine being anywhere else, I can't imagine being anywhere else, but here.


You came back. You always would. You couldn't stay away. No matter how many insults he would throw your way. No matter how many arguments and fights you had. It wasn't healthy but you would do it. You were bubbly and cheerful, you had faith in him.

"I missed you."

He wrapped his arms around your frame.

"I'm gonna try to be better. I'm sorry I'm fuckin' shitty."

The tears almost fell from his eyes. He thought he lost you. He thought you were gonna be gone forever. He wanted to change for you. Be better for you. A tear rolled down his cheek. You cupped his cheeks and wiped the tear away. You connected your soft lips to his.

"It's okay. We'll get through this. We always do."


How the hell did you ever pick me, Honestly, I could sing you a song, But I don't think words can express your beauty, It's singing to me.


Katsuki had you in bed with him. He laid there admiring your beauty. It was indescribable. It was true, you were too good for him. He'd been trying, he wanted everything to be okay. But something had been eating him up. Why, out of all the boys, Todoroki, Kirishima, boys more deserving, did you chose him?

"Why the hell did you agree to go out with me in high school."

"Well, you weren't as mean to me as you were with everyone else. I guess you could say I just saw something in you, plus you were super hot."

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