🌶️ Dabi 🌶️ [Part 1]

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Head Canon: His Jealousy

The One Where Dabi Is Jealous.


🌶️ Dabi was 100% the jealous type.

🌶️ If a guy looked at you the wrong way, Dabi would get possessive and violent.

🌶️ Not towards you, no, towards the idiot men that would try hitting on you.


🌶️ It had been a long day at the League of Villains.

🌶️ Dabi needed you.

🌶️ He needed to see you. To touch you. To kiss and hold you.

🌶️ He'd never admit it to anyone, but he was soft for you.

🌶️ He walked straight to your house. He was stressed, he needed to see you, you had a way of destressing him...

🌶️ He'd seen the lights in your house on.

🌶️ He furrowed his eyebrows. 'What were you still doing up?'

🌶️ He walked closer to your house and knocked on the door.

🌶️ It took a few minutes for you to open the door, much to his annoyance.

🌶️ "Dabi, it's late what are you doing here?"

🌶️ "It's late what are you still doing up?"

🌶️ "I've got company."

🌶️ Dabi saw the shoes by your door. Men's shoes.

🌶️ Dabi rolled his eyes at you.

🌶️ "Male company?"

🌶️ "It's just a coworker."

🌶️ "Right, sweetheart. I hate to break it to you, but men don't see you as just a co-worker."

🌶️ His eyes raked up and down your body.

🌶️ "Especially when you look as ravishing as this."

🌶️ "Dabi, I wouldn't invite a male in this house if he had such intentions like that."

🌶️ Dabi smirked at you.

🌶️ "You invite me all the time."

🌶️ You bit your lip and blushed.

🌶️ "I meant a man I'm not dating."

🌶️ Said man came to the door to see what the hold up was.

🌶️ Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

🌶️ "Who's this?"

🌶️ "Aki, this is D- Derek."

🌶️ You weren't an idiot. If he didn't know who Dabi was my face, he'd definitely know who Dabi was by name.

🌶️ You'd rather not reveal to your co-workers that you were dating a villain.

🌶️ Dabi rolled his eyes and looked at you. 'She couldn't give me a cooler fake name?'

🌶️ "Derek my boyfriend."

🌶️ Dabi noticed the disappointment in Aki's eyes as you said, boyfriend. But there was still lust.

🌶️ Dabi instantly knew he was gonna have to fuck this guy up.

🌶️ No one looks at his girlfriend like that and gets away with it.

🌶️ "I'm Aki Satou, [Y/N]s co-worker, I'm sure she's mentioned me."

🌶️ Aki held his hand out to shake Derek's or rather Dabi's hand.

🌶️ 'So this guy wants to fuck my girlfriend, has the nerve to check her out in front of me, and he's egotistical.'

🌶️ Dabi shoved his hands in his pockets rejecting the handshake, leaving Aki's hands awkwardly hanging, before Aki put his own hand down.

🌶️ "Actually she's never mentioned you, not that there's anything worth mentioning."

🌶️ "Oh, well, [Y/N] I'm gonna get going, see you at the office tomorrow."

🌶️ Dabi chuckled.

🌶️ He placed his hands on your hips and pushed you further in the house.

🌶️ He playfully bit your ear and whispered huskily.

🌶️ "Daddy should punish you for being alone with a male."

🌶️ You moaned lightly and looked at him in the eyes with a not so innocent look.

🌶️ "Punish me, Daddy."


🌶️ Dabi stood outside Aki's house.

🌶️ You were cuddled in bed asleep. No idea your boyfriend was about to give your co-worker a near-death experience.

🌶️ Dabi knocked on the door and waited for Aki to open it.

🌶️ Aki started to unlock the door, and Dabi kicked it open.

🌶️ He walked up to Aki and blasted him with his blue flames.

🌶️ That was most likely gonna leave a mark.

🌶️ Dabi kicked Aki in the stomach so hard he coughed up blood.

🌶️ Did this guy have any tolerance to pain?

🌶️ "Stay away from her."

🌶️ "W- who?"

🌶️ Dabi grabbed Aki by the throat and pinned him to the wall.

🌶️ "Stay away from [Y/N]"


Edited: 1-26-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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