👊 Toshinori Yagi 👊

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A/N: Not Requested, But Inspired By heeheeXD's Comment.

Imagine: Texas Smash


The One With Small-Might.


You walked into UA high with a beaming smile on your face and a bouquet of flowers in your hand. It was easy to get into the academy despite not being a teacher or student. Being the girlfriend of Toshinori Yagi, the school had your identity put in the gate list registry. 

However, these days you wondered if you could even call yourself his girlfriend. He hadn't been coming around as much as he used to and he hadn't been answering your texts. When he did come around he was very distant, when he did answer texts they were one word replies. Overall, you were beginning to feel like it was a one-sided relationship. 

But all that was going to change. It was valentines day, the day of romance and love. You were planning to bring Toshinori some flowers and talk about what was bothering him. 

You hesitate before walking into Toshinori’s classroom. You were partially scared to talk to him. What if the reason he’s been so distant was because he lost interest in you? You take a deep breath before walking in with a nervous smile. 

“Happy Valentine’s day!” 

Toshinori looks up from his desk where he was focusing on eating lunch to look over at you. He slightly smiles as you walk closer to his desk. 

“[Y/N]... Happy Valentine’s day. What are you doing here?”

“It’s Valentine’s day, I brought you some flowers... Boys should get romanticized too.”

Toshinori takes the flowers from your hands earning a gracious smile from you. He gives you his own smile before it falters into a frown.

“Thank you, I-  Thank you for stopping by, but I have to work.” 

Your own smile droops to a frown as you lean against his desk and fold your arms across your chest. 

“You don’t have to teach class for two hours... We need to talk.” 

“Alright. What do we need to talk about?”

“Our relationship.” 

Toshinori clenches the armrests of his wheel chair with his hands before looking into your eyes. 

“You want to breakup?”

You glare at him with teary eyes. You suppose you were right, he had lost interest, but being the hero he is, he didn't want to hurt you by breaking up. 

“No... Is that what you want? Did you lose interest? Is that why you've been so distant?”

“I could never lose interest in you.”

“Then why are you being so distant? What did I do? Tell me and I’ll fix it.”

Toshinori stands up and pulls you closer to him, trapping you between him and his desk. His hand comes up and wipes away the tears trailing down your cheeks. 

“It’s not you, it’s me. I’m not All-Might anymore, I can’t be that hot guy that you can show off to all your friends. Everyone's calling me Small-Might now. I can’t be that guy who can cater to all your needs. I’m not the guy you fell in love with.”

So all this time he was really just worried that you had lost interest in him? You smile at Toshinori and cup his cheeks with your hands. 

“I didn't fall in love with the guy who has big arms and thick thighs. I fell in love with the guy who makes me feel safe and loved. I fell in love with the guy who cares and supports me. I don’t love All-Might or Small-Might, I love you, Toshinori Yagi.”

“You don’t care that I’m not buff or satisfying? You don’t care that I’m small and weak?”

“No, Toshi’ I’ll always love you, no matter what body you have... Besides, they might call you Small-Might, but we both know that Small-Might Jr. Isn't that small..."

"Keep talking and Small-Might Jr. Is gonna get a lot bigger..."

Blushes dust both of your cheeks as Toshinori lifts you and props you on top of his desk.

"Small-Might Jr. Knows how to make a girl feel really plus ultra."


Toshinori moves your panties to the side and brushes your clit with his thumb. He watches your face as you gasp.

"Toshi' someone could see us."

Respectfully, Toshinori moves his hand away from your region. 

"My class won't be here for two hours."

"What about the teachers?"

"It's okay, they're all having lunch."

Toshinori hesitantly rests his hand on your blouses button while looking at your face to see if you were comfortable enough and wanted for him to proceed. No means no after all, and Toshinori knew the importance of respecting women.

"Okay... Show me Small-Might Jr’s Texas smash."

Toshinori grins at you and unbuttons your blouse. He trails kisses down your jaw to your chest, leaving a warm trail of hickies as he went.

He used his hand to unhook your bra and kneaded one of your breasts as he sucked on your other. He nibbled on your nipple as he heard your moans.

The hand that wasn't on your breast trails down to your lower regions. His thumb rests on your clit while he plunges two fingers inside you. He rubs your clit while he begins pumping his fingers in and out of you.

"Toshi! Oh– Toshi, I'm going to–"

Toshinori removes his fingers from your core and quells your moans with a kiss to your lips as he gently lays your back flat against his desk.

"Why'd you stop."

He laughs lightly at your pouting face.

"I thought you wanted a Texas smash?”

Your cheeks heat up as he undoes his belt and your core ached with anticipation and excitement. Toshinori guides Small-Might Jr. Into your core and then he grabs onto your hips.

He watches as your face contorts from a pout into an euphoric smile. He watched with a fond smile as your eyes rolled back and you yelled out his name with every time his hips snapped against yours.

Even if someone were to walk in, he doubted they would even want to with the combined sound of skin slapping skin and the sound of you screaming each other's names.

He felt you tighten around him, a sign that you were about to orgasm. He loved the way your face looked when he got you off, so shiny from sweat and full of ecstasy.

His hands on your hips tighten, letting you know that he was about to come undone as well. With every pound into you, accompanied by the feeling of your hands on his back, he gave out his own moans and grunts before pulling out and cumming into a napkin.

You lean up and button up your blouse but not before looking at your chest to view the marks and hickies. You smile at Toshinori with raised eyebrows and press your lips against his.

"You really went plus ultra."

"I had to make up for the past few weeks I've been distant... I also didn't get you a Valentine's day gift, so there's that."

You rest your head against Toshinori's chest as he runs his fingers through your hair.

"Being with you is gift enough."


Edited: 2-14-20

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