👊 Toshinori Yagi 👊

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Head Canon: Sirens Quirk

The One Where All Might Saves A Woman With A Siren Quirk.


👊 You were a mermaid.

👊 Or rather you were considered one. You had a Sirens Quirk.

👊 People hated Sirens. They were viewed as evil.

👊 You could control and lure men with your voice. Not to mention you had natural beauty.

👊 Your parents left you once they saw your quirk.

👊 You grew up alone in an orphanage, bullied until they kicked you out at twenty-one.

👊 You lived on your own for ten years. People constantly hating you. Sometimes kids would throw rocks at you.

👊 That was until you met him.


👊 He first saw you the day he gave Izuku his DNA.

👊 He had been on the beach that Young Midoriya had cleaned up.

👊 A bang-up job if he could say so himself.

👊 That's when he noticed a woman, probably 31, 32. Beautiful [Hair Length], [Hair Color], hair. Mesmerizing [Eye Color] eyes and she had a tail.

👊 Oh yeah, she also had a knife sticking out of her.

👊 Toshinori ran over to you in his All Might body, yelling his catchphrase.

👊 "I Am Here."

👊 He picked you up bridal style fishtail flopping.

👊 "Wa-Ter-"

👊 Your voice was raspy.

👊 "Tail or not, you need a hospital."

👊 You kept rasping out for water.

👊 Something, maybe instinct, made him listen.

👊 He walked up to his knees into the ocean.

👊 He placed you in the water, and you pulled the knife out.

👊 All Might watched as your wound healed itself.

👊 "You can heal yourself, that's cool."

👊 "Uh, I guess, never really thought about it that way."

👊 That's when poof. All Might turn into Toshinori Yagi.

👊 "Holy Shit."

👊 "Um, yeah, preferably don't tell anyone about this."

👊 "You practically saved my life, I wouldn't tell a soul."

👊 You and Toshinori sat on the sand.

👊 You guys started talking to each other. You became friends.


👊 Toshinori was the first person to care for you.

👊 He didn't care about your Quirk. He didn't think it was a curse.

👊 He helped you get an apartment that wasn't in the dark slopes of the own. Somewhere that was full of thugs, and hateful people, it's how you got stabbed in the first place. He helped you escape it.

👊 He helped you get a hero's license and got you signed at an agency with people who didn't treat you like less.

👊 He helped put you in a safe environment, filled with kind people.

👊 You were beginning to fall for him.


👊 He came over to your apartment.

👊 "I thought we could hang out before I have to teach class."

👊 You slightly blushed.

👊 You loved how he thought of you. No one ever wanted to just hang out with you before.

👊 You guys took a walk together down by the beach.

👊 Perhaps it was your quirk, but you felt drawn to the water.

👊 You guys sat on the rocks, close to each other. It was close enough to make you blush.

👊 "I never got to thank you."

👊 "Thank me for what?"

👊 "Everything. Before I met you, my life was full of hate. My parents abandoned me, my life was horrible. Then you came in, you helped me, I'm not just talking about when we first met. You helped get a job, you helped get me in a safe environment. You saved me. So... thank you."

👊 He takes your hand and intertwines your fingers.

👊 "You don't have to thank me... I like taking care of you."


Edited: 1-25-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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