❄ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Requested By: Anonymous

Imagine: Kiss The Girl

The One Where Shouto Wants To Tell You, He Likes You.


Percussion. Strings. Wings. Words. There you see her. Sitting there across the way. She don' got' a lot to say. But there's something about her. And you don't know why. But you're dying to try. You wanna kiss the girl.


The first time he saw you was at the UA sports festival. You weren't a part of UA. He could tell by your uniform. You were part of Shiketsu high. Your hat was a dead give away.

You were standing in the crowd with a teacher and other students dressed the same way. You wore it better. They were presumably there to watch the festival. To learn. In the whole crowd of cheering people, you stood out the most.

Your [Hair Color], [Hair Length] moving around slightly from the wind. Your [Eye Color] eyes brightly watching the match. He could see the passion in your eyes.

He doesn't know what intrigues him about you. He's never taken interest in girls before. School and training are all he's ever focused on. Shoto takes time to himself to look at you.

He was being selfish. He should be preparing for his match, but he can't take his eyes off you.

However, the sound of his name being called to the arena forces him to come back to reality. Tearing his eyes away from your body, he walks up to the arena determined to win.


Yes. You want her. Look at her. You know you do. Possible she wants you too. There's one way to ask her. It don't take a word. Not a single word. Go on and kiss the girl. Sing with me now. Sha la la la la la. My oh my. Looks like the boy's too shy. Ain't gonna kiss the girl. Sha la la la la la. Ain't that sad. It's such a shame. Too bad. You're gonna miss the girl.


He thought he was never going to see you again. He searched for you after his match against Deku. He couldn't find you. But here you were, in the coffee shop he went to.

[Coffee Shop Name]. A small, busy coffee shop that Shoto frequented. He always went there promptly at seven o'clock every day before classes started. Denki had tagged along with Shoto this time, making him late.

Although it did annoy Shoto that he wouldn't get his coffee at exactly seven o'clock, he didn't worry. Classes didn't start until eight o'clock, giving him plenty of time to get back to UA.

He was thankful Denki tagged along. He was thankful he was late. He had never been to the coffee shop at seven-thirty o'clock, always getting to the coffee shop at seven and leaving by seven-twenty. Maybe, had he stayed an extra ten minutes, he would have seen you.

You were there, in your Shiketsu High uniform. Your hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He noticed your hat was missing as he scanned your body. Your white shirt looked great against your skin. He couldn't help but let his eyes trail down towards your legs.

Your legs were great. You had black socks that came halfway up your calves and your skirt stopped just above your knees. With a slight blush tinting his face, Shoto looks away from your legs and back to your face where they should be.

Shoto was a gentleman after all.

Shoto smiles at you as he sees you staring back at him. You smiled at him. When saw you smile at him, it was euphoric. You looked away and paid for your two coffees.

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