📝 Shouta Aizawa 📝

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Warning: Mentions of abuse, sexual assault.

Requested By: ThatOneCactus12

Drabble: "I'll kill you."

Soulmate AU

The One With The Assault.


You lived in a society where your skin was marked black where your soulmate would first touch you, and once they touched you the mark turned to gold. Unfortunately, you grew up being part of the minority that thought soulmates were bullshit.

Most people who disagreed with the idea of soulmates didn't have a mark. Unlike them, you did have a mark, you just didn't exactly have the best upbringing which resulted in fear of meeting your soulmate.

Being the daughter of a pro-hero, you had a wealthy lifestyle but your father wasn't the nicest. Daily you watched your father physically and verbally abuse you and your mother.

As a little girl, you used to dream of the day your mark turned to gold. You used to dream of your soulmate taking you away and saving you from your father, but your father soon put a stop to such silly daydreams.

You had the mark of a handprint on your cheek. Your father would always tell you that the handprint was a slap mark. He would always say your soulmate would hit you upon meeting you.

'Who would want such a worthless, quirkless whore as a soulmate?'

You tried not to listen to his words, but years of being verbally berated had programmed and installed fear into your head. To this day, at the age of thirty, you had avoided meeting your soulmate.

Twelve years ago, as soon as you turned eighteen, you cut ties with your father and moved away. You currently live in a small apartment in a big city where nobody knew anybody. It was easier to isolate yourself this way. It was just you, Phoebe, and Joey, your cats. It's better this way.

Deciding to take a short cut, you walk down an alley. You could get home to your cats faster this way. Never had you expected this decision would change your life.

You felt somebody push you into the wall and you struggled to move. It was probably his quirk keeping you immobile, but he had a knife against your neck so you made the assumption that his quirk wouldn't last long.

However, the length of his quirk usage didn't matter when you felt his free hand unzip your skirt. The feeling of being helpless and weak flooded your mind with memories from your childhood. You screamed and yelled until the man pushed his knife harder against your neck.

"Scream and I'll kill you."

You felt him try to shimmy your skirt down your legs when another man came out of nowhere. He had a long scarf around his neck which he used to pull the perps arms away from you.

You scrambled away from the wall, moving away from the man who attempted to assault you, and the man who succeeded in saving you. You pulled your skirt back into place and zipped it back up, giving out a breath of relief as you were covered back up.

You thought about fleeing, but your feet stood there frozen, instead, you watched as the scarf man took down the perp. He was a hero, you could tell that much by his yellow goggles and scarf, a normal citizen wouldn't be wearing that.

The scarf man left the guy tied up before walking towards you. Your breathing heightened at the sight of him. Your fear of men started to kick in, but as he lifted his yellow goggles and you looked at his eyes, something inside you said to trust him.

"Are you alright?"

The man placed one hand on your cheek and the other on your shoulder. He lifted your face up so he could look at your neck which you hadn't even noticed was bleeding.

"It's just a nick, you'll be alright."

Your mind wasn't even on the nick but rather his hand on your cheek - your mark. Your cheek felt nice and tingly, like good electricity. You knew it was his touch on your mark. This hero was your soulmate.

"Y-Your my soulmate..."

Your whole life you avoided confrontation with your mark. You believed that your father was right. You believed that he was going to hurt you once you met him. But it wasn't true, he didn't hurt you. He saved you, he protected you, he was nice.

"Never thought I'd meet you while I was on patrol, but I'm glad I did."

Your first instinct was to flee, but you stayed. Your hands came up and rested on his chest. A small smile played on your face as you gave this man a chance. As you gave your soulmate a chance.

"[Y/N [L/N]. I hope you like cats because that's my deal-breaker."

"Shouta Aizawa. Cats are alright, I just hope you like kids because that's my deal-breaker."

You grin up at Shouta as he grins down at you. You never would have thought that this was how you would meet your new family. You never thought you would go from complete isolation to a kind-hearted husband, precious son, sweet daughter, and five cats in the time span of one week. You never would have thought it, but you never would regret it.


Edited: 2-13-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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