🌶 Dabi/Tomura🤚

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Requested By: SoftRockBoi

Drabble: "Let's compromise."

The One With Depression.


You knew you should have gotten up. You should have gotten up, showered, perhaps even shaved for your boyfriends. It’s Valentine’s day and they were going to wanna take you out, but you didn’t have the energy.

Depression is a slippery slope. Some days you were good, some days you were bad. Some days you could get up over the slope and do things, but some days you got triggered and slipped back down the slope.

You could hear your boyfriends, Tomura and Dabi, open your bedroom door. They were already arguing about where you should go out.

“We should see that new movie. It’s dark in the movie theater, no one will notice us.”

“If someone notices us in a restaurant you can just cremate them.”

You had to smile while Tomura scratched at his neck as he got irritated with your other boyfriend. They sounded so full of life. They sounded excited to take you out, which made you feel bad for not wanting to go out.

“Why aren’t you out of bed yet?”

“One of those days?”

You bit your lip as you nervously nodded yes at your boyfriends.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, we can stay in.”

“Your mental health is more important than a date.”

With a smile, Dabi grabs your cheeks and rubs his thumb in a soothing motion. One look at your boyfriends and someone would have thought they were rough, but they were actually very comforting and sweet to you.

“Shiggy, let’s compromise. Takeout food and a movie?”

“And lots of cuddles.”

Tomura fetches the Roku remote while Dabi pulls out his phone and dials up your favorite restaurant. Once they were done they slipped under your covers and sandwiched you between themselves.

“Better now, dollface?”

You smiled softly as you buried your face into Tomura’s neck while Dabi rests his face against your back.

“Yes. You and Shiggy always make it better.”


Edited: 2-12-20

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