💥 Katsuki Bakugo 💥

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A/N: Pretty angsty, fluffy at the end. Also, who is ready for Map Of The Soul: 7?

Requested By: -Medical_Mo- and Anonymous

Drabble: "You're fucking lying."

The One Where Katsuki Bakugo Has Noticed Drastic Changes In [Y/N] [L/N].


Katsuki Bakugo wasn’t the most observant person in class 1-A. He could barely even remember the names of his classmates. Yet when it came to you he was very observant. 

He noticed and watched you from afar. If someone were to ever mention his infatuation with you he would have said it was because you were an extra that was less shitty than the other extras. Simply someone that he needed to beat. If someone were to ask him, he’d be lying.  

With this being said, it was Katsuki who started to notice the changes in your behavior. You used to spend most of your time hanging out with Kirishima and Kaminari, now you’d spend your time alone. Your once healthy skin now held dark bags under your eyes. Katsuki knew for a fact you had a specific sleep schedule. 

Lastly, Katsuki noticed little bruises and bandages that you would have when you walked into class. Whenever someone asked you, you would say you got it sparring. Katsuki knew that had you gotten injured sparring Recovery Girl would have healed you. You may have had these shitty extras fooled but not Katsuki Bakugo. 

With this knowledge, Katsuki Bakugo cornered you in Aizawa’s classroom. You were always the last to leave as a way to avoid Kirishima asking you to hangout. 

“Let’s have a chat.” 

“I’m kinda in a rush to get home.” 

“Whatever it is can wait.”

“W-What did you want to talk about?” 

Katsuki frowned. You never stuttered. You used to have confidence like a peacock but not you stuttered like that damn nerd. You used to rough house with him and Kirishima, but now you cowered away. Just standing there in front of Katsuki he could see the fear in your eyes. 

“You. You used to be so confident and fucking brave but now you stutter and cower. You say your bandages are from sparring but I know it’s not. You used to enjoy being around me- and Eiji, but now you prefer solitude.” 

“I-It’s nothing. I fell down the stairs, that’s all.” 

“You’re fucking lying!” 

You lean back against the wall and close your eyes. You take a deep breath and try to hold your tears in. 

“It’s just my dad. H-He gets really rough and mean. When he drinks it’s worse. He wasn’t always like this, it… it just started after my mom passed. It’s- okay Katsuki, you don’t need to worry about it.” 

Katsuki punches the wall next to you out of anger and you shrink back. Probably not Katsuki’s best move, but in his defense punching is how he deals with things and he sincerely was aiming for the wall and not your body. 

“I-I’m sorry. I… I shouldn’t have told you, just forget I said anything.” 

“Like fucking hell I’m not going to worry about it. You think I’m going to just forget about it and go on with my fucking life? No. I’m never letting you back there.” 

"I don't have anywhere else to go."

Katsuki slowly wraps his arms around you, bringing you into a hug. He was slow and careful as to not scare or frighten you.

"You can stay with me and my family. It's going to be alright. I won't let that shit-munch hurt you."

“And you say you don’t care about your classmates.” 

“You’re more important than just a classmate.” 


Edited: 1-11-20

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