🐢 Izuku Midoriya 🐢

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Requested By: az61hahaha79846

Imagine: Alcohol And Mistletoe

The One Where Tsuyu Asui's Sister Is Hiding Her Relationship.


Tsuyu Asui smiled as she walked with her older sister to UA's annual Christmas party. She could tell [Y/N] had a crush on Izuku Midoriya, but she was too shy to do anything about it. Izuku obviously had a crush on her as well, but how was that blushing mess of a boy supposed to confess? 

Tsu was going to make sure her sister got with the broccoli haired boy by the end of the night. It was her mission and sole intent of coming to the party tonight. 

"Hey, there's Midoriya. Let's say hello."

Tsu guides you over to where Izuku stood by the punch bowl. Your eyes met each other and you both quickly looked down, pink blushes on your cheeks. 

"H- Hello Izuku." 

"Hey [Y/N]. Tsu."

"Punch? Forewarning, Kaminari spiked it."

"Yes, please."

As Izuku pours you a cup of punch Tsu gets dragged off by her girlfriend Ochako Uraraka in a different direction. You let a relieved sigh as Izuku hands you the red solo cup of punch. 

"When are you gonna tell her about us?"

You bite your lip while looking in the direction your sister is, making sure she's far enough for you to have this conversation. 

"I don't know, I... I don't know how she'll react. She's your best friend. Dating your sister's best friend is not something you do. She's gonna be so upset." 

"The longer we hide it the worse she'll feel." 

"She'll be crushed." 

"It's like ripping off a bandaid. Not telling her is like slowly tearing it off. It hurts more. Telling her is like just rip it off. It hurts less." 

You guzzle down your drink as you nod at Izuku's words.

"Okay, we'll tell her after the party."


Tsu got her girlfriend and Denki Kaminari to join in on her mission. Ochako and Denki were close friends with [Y/N] and Izuku. They knew that you would be the cutest couple ever if you both could just get over you're shyness and confess.

The plan was for Tsu to lead [Y/N] towards the mistletoe that Denki hung up, while Ochako also leads Izuku to the mistletoe. Denki would then shout out, mistletoe.

The punch that Denki spiked was also supposed to help [Y/N] loosen up, increasing the chances of her kissing Izuku.

Tsu waited for Denki to give her the thumbs-up signal before bringing you over to Denki. Ochako nonchalantly brought Izuku next to you before walking over to her girlfriend.

"Hey, you're under mistletoe. You better kiss!"

Blushing you and Izuku look at each other than away from each other.

"C'mon you gotta kiss. It's bad luck not to, ribbit."

Maybe it was alcohol you drank, but you felt the strongest urge to grab Deku's face and kiss him. You were a lightweight. You weren't sure why Tsu let you drink because she knew this.

Cupping Deku's face, you bring his lips to yours and smash your lips together. Not breaking away until you needed air, you and Deku had a filthy tongue touching make-out session.

"We said kiss, not make-out. Someone might mistake you for a couple. Just kidding! Unless...?"

"There is no way Deku is my boyfriend! Hahaha..."

This is why you did not drink alcohol.


You and Izuku sat in the UA common room. Izuku was sitting at least, You, however, were pacing back and forth.

"She's gonna come in here any minute."

"Then you should probably sit down."

"No, I have things to worry about. How should we tell her?"

"Calmly. Just say it nice and slow. Explain it to her. Honestly, you're just over worrying."

The doors to the room opened and your sister, Tsu, came in.

"What are you up to? Ribbit."

"Deku's my boyfriend."

You said it neither calm nor slow. It was fast and came tumbling out of your mouth disgracefully.

"That's great."

"I know you're upset- Wait what?"

"I said that's great? Ribbit."


Tsu hugs you and then walks off to where she sleeps. You sat down next to Izuku.

"I thought she was gonna be mad."

"I told you that you were over worrying."

"I guess I was."

"Well, might I say, that Santa outfit looks adorable. I'm glad I'm free to say that now."

You grab Izuku's chin and pull his lips to yours.

"Glad I'm free to do that now."


Edited: 12-18-19

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