📝 Shouta Aizawa 📝

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Requested By: Anonymous

Drabble: "Just you and me."

The One Where, Shouta Aizawa's Daughter, Feels Neglected.


You sat at the dining room table as you waited for your father, Shouta Aizawa, and newly adopted sister, Eri.

Ever since your father adopted Eri, he has been spending a lot of time with her. You'd be lying if you said you weren't jealous. You tried not to be, but it was so hard.

Your father never spent as much time with you as he does with her. He took her out and spent more time with her than he ever did with you. Between teaching classes and spending time with Eri, he didn't really have time for you anymore.

But you're jealousy ended tonight.

If your father didn't have time for you, you would make time. You made a beautiful Christmas dinner, stuffing, ham, rolls, ETC. You had it all prepped, you were just waiting for Eri and your father to get home.

Your phone dings, notifying a text.

Dad-Zawa: Eri and I, are at the Christmas Festival. Won't be home for another hour or two. Don't stay up too late.

You: Ok.

You'd always begged your father to take you to the Christmas festival. He never did. He would say something along the lines of festival games being a waste of money or saying it's too cold, and you would get sick.

The tears dribble down your face as you throw a cup of eggnog on the floor. The action does nothing to help your anger, it just makes you cry more.

You wipe your tears away with the sleeve of your arm as you walk off to grab a broom and towel for your mess.

What a wonderful Christmas Eve you were having.


You were woken up around midnight to someone shaking you awake. Your room was dark and you couldn't see the intruder. You would have used your quirk on the assailant, except you doubted an attacker would wake you up on purpose.

"Honey, wake up."

The sound of your father's voice fills your ears. You were glad he left the light off. It was dark in your room, he would not see the way your skin was irritated and blotchy or the redness of your eyes from crying.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I saw the table. Did you make dinner for me and Eri?"

The sadness washed over you again, but the refusal to cry in front of your father prevented you from crying.

"Yeah. I already ate since you were at the festival. I'm sure you can reheat it though."

"I'm sorry I was at the festival for so long."

"It's fine dad."

"No, it's not."

You sigh and pull the blankets tighter around yourself, ready to fall back asleep.

"Seriously, it's fine dad."

"I've been spending a lot of time with Eri. I've been ignoring you. It's not fine."

You couldn't keep it in. You broke. The tears slid down, and you started sobbing.

"If it's not fine, why do you do it? Why did you take her to that festival? You know what? It's not even about the festival. It's the fact I wasn't invited."

Aizawa pulls you into his arms and rubs your back to soothe your sobs and tears.

"I didn't mean to not invite you. I realized that not letting you go to that festival wasn't fair. I would have taken you with Eri this year but I thought you were too old now."

"Too old? Izuku was posting about going on Instagram."

"I'm sorry. I know I've been with Eri a lot... Let's spend some one-on-one time together. We have the ingredients to make cookies, let's go make Christmas cookies. Just you and me."

You wiped the tears from your eyes as you looked at the clock.

"You wanna make cookies at midnight? Aren't you tired?"

"You're more important. Besides, it's officially Christmas."


Edited: 1-23-20

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