💥 Katsuki Bakugo 💥

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Requested By: Kokichi_Is_A_Lair

Imagine: Hero Boy

The One Where Singer![Y/N] [L/N] Meets Katsuki Bakugo.


Your Quirk was a type of vocal manipulation. Not one of those cool vocal manipulations that heroes had, it just made you sing great. All your life you dreamt of being a hero but had to face the harsh reality.

You would never be a hero.

You just weren't cut out for it. You thought about the police force, but apparently, you weren't cut out for that either. You couldn't exactly fire a gun, if you had bad aim.

Singing. That's all you were good at. So entertainment is the career you went for. You were good at it, great even. At the young age of sixteen, you made a fortune and fame in the country industry under [Singer Name.]

You walked out onto the stage with a smile on your face. You may not be able to save people, but maybe your lyrics could save them.

"Why do you keep on staring? That mirror, mirror, it ain't fair at all. Dress sizes can't define, don't let the world decide what's beautiful."

After you finish the song, your eyes search the crowd. It was pretty large, filled with a diversity of people. Your eyes get caught on a pair of red ones. Your eyebrows rise.

"Looks like we got a hero in the crowd tonight."

Katsuki stood in the crowd, a red hue rising to his cheeks. He didn't want to be caught here. He could only imagine what his peers would say about him being a fanboy.

But that's exactly what he was. A fanboy. A huge one at that.

He with he could say he was mad, but his idol just noticed him. He couldn't exactly be mad.

"Well here's a song inspired by heroes!"

You strum your guitar, keeping locked eyes with Katsuki.

"There's a hero. If you look inside your heart. You don't have to be afraid. Of what you are. There's an answer. If you reach into your soul. And the sorrow that you know. Will melt away."

After that, you play a few more songs before returning to your dressing room. You change into some casual clothes before heading to the VIP meet and greet ticketed portion of the concert.


Katsuki eagerly waits in-line to meet you. It was probably the only time anyone's seen him with a genuine smile.

Finally, he gets to meet you. His idol-crush.

"You're the hero!"

The hue returns to his cheeks, and he stutters.


'Damn-it, when did I turn into Deku?'

"I'm a huge fan!"

'Why would you blurt that out like a fucking freak?'

"Well then, I'll consider myself lucky because I'm a fan of you as well."


"Yeah. I've always wanted to be a hero, but I never had the quirk or the body for it."

"Well, I think you've got a great body."

A blush covers your cheeks. You're sure he didn't mean it to sound so sexual, but it came out that way.

"I- I'm fucking sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Fuck! What the fuck is wrong with me."

"Hey, it's okay. I can tell you're very nervous. How about this, I'll give you my number, and you can call me once you've calmed down. We can get coffee sometime?"

You slowly slide a paper with your number in his fidgety hand. You give him a smile and wink, watching his face blush again. Katsuki cursed at himself in his head for being such a mess, like Deku.

"I'll look forward to your call, hero boy."


Katsuki waited for you in a coffee shop. He had practiced talking in a mirror so he wouldn't fuck it up again.

"Hey there, hero boy."

"You know I have a name, right?"

"Yes. But I like hero boy better."

Katsuki couldn't help but smile as you sat down across from him. It was a sweet nickname from his crush. Like hell, he was gonna complain any further.

"Okay, if you get a nickname for me, then I want one for you."

"Okay, what would you like to call me?"


Katsuki smirks as you blush. He practiced this in front of his mirror. Like hell he was gonna be a stuttering mess like that loser, Deku.

"O-Okay. Here I thought you were a shy guy."

"What can I say? You bring out the beast in me."

Your evening continues like that, witty and flirty remarks until you realize how late it is.

"My manager is gonna kill me."

"Oh, I guess that means goodbye."

"Well, I never said that. Who knows I might need saving one day, and I wouldn't wanna call anyone except my hero boy."

You kiss him briefly.

"Walk me home hero boy? I wouldn't wanna get mugged."


Edited: 1-21-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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