👓 Tenya Iida 👓

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Requested By: WolvesStory-the-one

Imagine: Moo Point

The One With The Siren Quirk


You sat down in the desk next to Hitoshi Shinsou's in general studies. He hadn't said a word to you in the time span of you being there. Lately, you noticed he was distancing himself from you and you didn't know why or what to do to make him come back to you.

Hitoshi Shinsou was your best friend and the love of your life. You met Hitoshi after you moved to Japan when you were young after your parents died. You had come from a long line of siren villains so immediately you got bullied for your linage and your quirk. Hitoshi was the only one who talked to you, you supposed it was because he had what the kids call a villains quirk as well.

The bell rang and you stood up with the rest of the class. You quickly pushed your books into your bag and took off after Hitoshi. You needed to talk to him. If he wanted to distance himself fine, but you needed to confess your feelings for him first.


You called after him but he kept walking. Maybe he hadn't heard?


You yelled his name louder this time. He stopped walking and turned his head towards you. He waited for you to catch up to him before waking again.

"Hey, thanks for waiting, I need to talk to you."

"What about?"

"I love you. As in more than a best friend. I thought you should know..."

Hitoshi stops walking and looks at the ground.

"Take it back. Please, take it back. You can't love me."

"I can't take it back. I love you."

"You're not supposed to be in love with me when we can't even be friends."

"What are you talking about? You're my best friend."

You bite your lip as you look into his eyes. You knew there was a chance he'd reject you, but you didn't think it would hurt so bad.

"I've been slowly distancing myself so you wouldn't get hurt. I'm being transferred into class 1-A next semester and we can't be friends."

"I don't understand. It's just 1-A, why can't we still be friends? I'm friends with Tenya and he's in class 1-A"

"I'm going to be in the hero course, I'm no longer going to be branded as a villain. Anyone with eyes can see your siren scales, you have a villains quirk. The more we hang out fewer people will think of me as a hero. I'm sorry... But I am not throwing away my shot."

You held back the tears as you smiled at him.

"It's okay Hitoshi, I understand."


You sat on the edge of the bathtub in the bathroom of your dorm at the dorm building for class 1-B. You flipped the trapezoid-shaped item around in your hand.

Tears brimmed your eyes as you thought about the harsh words Neito Monoma said to you earlier that day.

"Look at your scales, pure proof you've got a villains quirk. No one likes sirens, just quit school already."

It wasn't fair. He didn't know you. He didn't know your morals and your goals. He didn't know your personality or anything about you. He just made assumptions based off of your quirk.

You knew that what you were about to do was wrong. It would hurt you but it was necessary. Hitoshi was right, the scales from your quirk were a big give away on your quirk.

No one wanted you because of your quirk. What if Tenya, your only friend felt that way? How could Tenya even stand to be your friend?

Your scales only came out in small areas on your body when it rained. You just had to get rid of the ones on your arms and neck. The ones people saw. If you kept up with getting rid of them when it rained maybe your appearance wouldn't bother people.

You took the razor blade to your arm and slid it over the parts of your body that currently held scales. You scraped away and dropped the scales in the trash. You took a bandage and some cleaning alcohol and cleaned the blood off.

You looked in the mirror and gave yourself a sad smile. You had bandages all over your arms, wrists, and neck. It stung but you didn't have scales. You looked like a nice, pretty, hero. A hero society would like to see.

"Hitoshi didn't want me because of my scales. Maybe Tenya will keep being my friend if I don't have any at all."


You hadn't come out of your room in days. On top of waiting for the cuts from your DIY scale removal surgery to heal, you didn't want to leave your dorm out of fear you'd run into Hitoshi or Neito.

You heard knocking on the door. You pulled the blanket closer around yourself and tightly shut your eyes. You didn't want to face the man behind the door. Tenya Iida, your only friend.

You feared he wouldn't want to be your friend anymore. Hitoshi dropped you and Neito bullied you, so why would he want to be around you?

"[Y/N], I know your in there."

"What do you need Tenya?"

"I'm worried about you. You haven't come out in days. Come out or I'm getting a teacher"

You huffed as you walked over to the door and opened it. You smiled at Tenya for the first time in weeks.

"What happened to you?"

You frowned as you looked down at the bandages that covered your skin where you removed your scales. You pulled the bandages off which revealed that where you now lacked scales you had scabs.

"I got rid of the scales. They seemed to bother and irritate every one..."

"After I overheard Monoma make fun of you I was worried you might do something stupid like this."

"I look better without them. People will like me now."

"You shouldn't listen to what they say. It's a moo point. A cow's opinion, it doesn't matter."

Tears streamed down your face. You bring your hands up to your face and wipe your salty tears away.

"It does matter! Nobody wants me with my stupid scales. They're ugly, they taint me."

"You're wrong, I want you and your scales. We need to put your scabs in water so your scales can heal over them."

You cry as Tenya pulls you into his arms.

"Why do you care about me? I'm just an ugly siren."

"Because you're special to me... And you're beautiful, scales and all. It's true and I will repeat it until you believe me."


Edited: 1-25-20

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