📝 Shouta Aizawa 📝

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Requested By: WolvesStory-the-one

Drabble: "Don't confess to me."

The One With Villains And Confessions.


Being Aizawa's teaching assistant you had to tag along on the training camp trip. Not that you minded. Although this was going to be a sweatshop for the students, it was a vacation of sorts for the teachers.

The students would be training their asses off, but you and Shouta didn't really have to do anything. You just had to watch over them so they didn't accidentally kill themselves. Mandalay and the wild, wild, pussycats were doing most of the work when it came to training the kids.

You and Shouta would get plenty of time to yourselves, provided you occasionally checked up on them. Although you did have to school the students that failed their exams, but that was after they trained with Mandalay.

The alone time you'd be getting with Shouta excited you. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have the hots for the man. Sure he was more reserved and less energetic than the other teachers, but you were quiet and reserved as well.

You were going to confess to him on this trip. Unfortunately, villains attacked and ruined your plans. You would have probably chickened out anyway, this wasn't the first time you planned to confess.

You watched the villain with a burnt face before you. You wanted to figure him out before you attacked. Your quirk wasn't flashy or strong, but it got the job done. Your quirk was botany. You could control plants, but if the plant got hurt you would get hurt.

You bit your lip as the villain didn't move. He was letting you make the first move. It was risky battling without knowing how your quirk would react with his, but your student's lives were at risk.

You use your quirk to make the branches from the trees grow to hit him. As the branch makes contact with him it hits him, however, he creates blue flames to burn the branches.

You fall to the ground screaming. It felt as if flames were engulfing you. They weren't hurting you directly. It was your quirk connecting with the plant. Flames were your quirk's number one weakness.

Tears form at your eyes. It was so hot. So painful. You feel your body on the verge of going unconscious when you spot Shouta. You lock eyes with him and the pain starts to numb. He erased your quirk, which essentially erased your connection to the plant.


He picks up your weak body and carries it to a safe spot.

"It's okay. You're safe."

Shouta gets up to go fight the villains but you grab his wrist. You almost died. If he hadn't been there that plant would have drained your energy and killed you.

"Shouta, I love you. I need you to know that."

Shouta's thumb skims the skin on your cheek.

"Don't. Don't confess to me. You're saying it like one of us is gonna die. We're gonna make it out of here alive with all of our students."

He presses a quick hard kiss to your lips.

"Besides, I'm supposed to confess to you first."


Edited: 1-23-20

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