❄️ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Head Canon: Valentine's Day

The One Where Shouto Surprises You.


❄️🔥 It was Valentine's day.

❄️🔥 It was Valentine's day, and Shoto wanted it to be perfect.

❄️🔥 [Y/N] was a sucker for romantics. Everyone knew it. Shoto knew it. That is why Shoto was going to make today perfect.

❄️🔥 Shoto knew you liked sleeping in. He also knew you were a heavy sleeper.

❄️🔥 Shoto got into your apartment using the key you gave him for emergencies.

❄️🔥 Hey, this was an emergency. This is the perfect Valentine's Day on stake here.

❄️🔥 Once Shoto was in your apartment he made you breakfast. Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs, and Blueberry juice. Your favorites.

❄️🔥 Then Shoto went upstairs to your room. He quietly took out the roses he bought. He spread flower petals all over the floor. Then, he spread it into a big heart on the bed.

❄️🔥 Next, he took a dozen roses, placed them at the foot of the bed, and placed a bunch of chocolate boxes around them.

❄️🔥 He brought the breakfast on a tray and placed it on the dresser next to your bed.

❄️🔥 Shoto quietly kneeled down by the bed and took your face in his hands.

❄️🔥 Half was cold. Half was warm. It's was really starting to fuck with you. You started to wake up.

❄️🔥 "Princess, it's time to wake up."

❄️🔥 You let out a groan and started to pull away. Panicked that you were gonna ruin the perfectly placed flower petals, he kissed you.

❄️🔥 Your eyes fluttered open, and you saw Shoto.

❄️🔥 You pulled away from the kiss and blush.

❄️🔥 "Sho? What are you doing here?"

❄️🔥 He lightly chuckled.

❄️🔥 "It's Valentine's Day, I wanted to surprise you."

❄️🔥 You looked at the rose petals, flowers, and chocolates. Your eyes lit up and you smiled.

❄️🔥 "Sho, this is amazing!"

❄️🔥 "I made breakfast too."

❄️🔥 You go to get out of bed, but Shoto motions for you to stay.

❄️🔥 He brings the tray to you, then climbs in bed next to you.

❄️🔥 He cuts up your pancakes and feeds you a bite.

❄️🔥 "Your too perfect Sho, you did all of this, and you're an amazing cook."

❄️🔥 It was Shotos turn to blush.

❄️🔥 "I just wanted it to be perfect for you."

❄️🔥 "It is so perfect. I wanna marry you."

❄️🔥 "Proposing on Valentine's Day, how original."

❄️🔥 "I'm not proposing. I'm making a promise. One day, Shoto Todoroki, I will marry you."

❄️🔥 Shoto kisses you on the cheek.

❄️🔥 "That's a promise you better keep."


Edited: 1-25-20

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