🌶️ Dabi 🌶️

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Imagine: I Miss You

The One Where Dabi Accidentally Wakes Up [Y/N] [L/N].


It was around 2 AM when Dabi got home. It'd been a very long day of work. Very tired and irritated, Dabi tried to be quiet upon entering the house.

Just because he had a long shit day, doesn't mean he can be a loud dick resulting in waking up [Y/N]

You were everything precious to him. He'd be damned if he acted destructively and woke you up. You didn't deserve that.

He slowly and quietly made his way to the microwave. He heated up the food you left in there for him.

Whenever he worked a long day he looked forward to this. You always saved some for him. He always ate it whether he was hungry or not.

He didn't want you to think that he didn't like your cooking, because he loved it. He also didn't want you to think that he didn't appreciate it. Because he did.

Dabi made sure to open the microwave 1 second before the timer went off so you wouldn't wake up.

He made one vital mistake though. He didn't look where he was walking. Dabi had stepped on a Tac.


He almost falls, but he swings his arm out to grab for support. Instead of getting support, he knocks over a vase.

"Dammit." He muttered under his breath.

He bends down and picks up the pieces. When he looks up he sees you.

You stood in the doorway, rubbing your eyes a bit. Your hair was messy. You were wearing his favorite hoodie. Probably nothing on under it.

You carefully walked over to him. Making sure not to step on glass. Dabi dropped the glass pieces and walked over to you.

He didn't trust you not to accidentally step on a piece, and he didn't want you hurt.

You wrap your arms around him and bury your head in his chest. Smelling in his scent. It was like, burning fire, laundry soap, and something vanilla?

He must have used your shampoo again. He claimed it made him think of you.

"I heard a shattering sound, and you weren't in bed, it scared me."

Dabi noticed you shaking a bit. You were genuinely scared.

"Hey, it's okay. I accidentally broke a vase. That's all. Calm down, take a deep breath."

He waited until your breaths calmed down and your body was less tense. He went to go finish taking care of the vase. But you wouldn't let go.

"Baby, I gotta clean the mess."

You wrapped your arms tighter around him.

"Mm, I just want you to hold me."

He chuckles but holds you against his chest.

"I don't want you to step in it."

"You can clean it tomorrow."

"It was your favorite vase... You know, you one you called vase in a fancy voice." (V-Ah-Se.)

Your shoulders ttense But you still clung on.

"You jerk, you better buy me a new one."

"Haha, you're not gonna let go are you?"

"Nope. I missed you. I always miss you... Don't you miss me?"

He brings his hands up to your cheeks. He slips two fingers under your chin and tilts it up. He pressed your lips together.

Your sweet cherry lips. He loved the cherry lip balm you used. It was like biting into fruit with every kiss.

You leaned into the kiss. Moaning a little.


"Kitten, of course, I miss you."

He drops to his knees, so his face is around your breast level. He lifts up the hoodie until it reaches just below your nipples. Some of your under breast revealed.

His earlier thought was right. There was indeed nothing under his stolen hoodie, except his favorite pair of your red patines. They showed a few inches of your cheeks and were lacy at the top.

He placed his hands on each of your ass cheeks and kissed right under your breasts.


He trails his kiss down.


He trails it lower, right by your belly button.


He tails it even lower. Right above your pantie line.

"Miss you."

Your fingers tangled in his hair as he kissed you. He moved his hands to your hips. He roughly pulled you forward. Not rough enough to hurt you though.

You were pushed up against him. His chin kneeing the top of your stomach. His face was almost in your breasts.


He looked up at you. Lightly sliding his hands up your body. Fingers gliding softly on your cold skin. It was cold now, but it would be hot later.

He pushed the hoodie farther up. The bit protecting your nipples, now gone. Once the cold air hit them, they got hard. He cupped your [Breast Size] breasts.

He thought they were perfect. The perfect size, how soft they felt due to your lotion. The color of your nipples.

He moved his thumb over your nipples. Rubbing light circles. He loved the way they felt when they were hard.

He looked you in the eyes.

"Want me to show you how much I missed you kitten?"

You moan out his name.


He brings his hands down and uses them to toss you over his shoulder. One hand on your ass, the other on the back of your thighs keeping you secure.

"C' mon Kitten. I wanna hear you moan my name so loud, the neighbors hear."


Edited: 1-26-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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