📝 Shouta Aizawa 📝

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Drabble: "Nice scare tactic."

The One Where Shouta Aizawa And Co-Teacher [Y/N] Scare The Students.


You walked with your boyfriend, Shota Aizawa, down the halls of UA and towards the doors of classroom 1-A. You were a pro hero just recently hired by UA. Due to all the villain attacks and one of their students getting kidnapped, they felt it was safer to have two homeroom teachers for each class instead of one.

You enter the classroom and inspect your students while standing next to Shota. You wanted to stand closer and hold his hand, but Shota said no PDA in front of the class.

"This is [Hero's Name.] Starting today we will be co-teaching class together."

"Seeing as I'm going to be teaching your class I would like you to take a quirk apprehension test so I can see what you've got."

You watch as the students stretch and get excited to show how they've improved. A devious smile makes its way to your face. Might as well make this interesting right?

"Before you get started, please keep in mind whichever two students come in last will be kicked from this class."

"But that's not fair, we went through the entrance exam and we've been in this class for a year now!"

You look at the person who decided to pipe up and send them your hardest glare.

"Not fair? Well, life ain't fair. Welcome to society. Don't like it? The doors over there."

The class gives nervous glances between you and Shota as if expecting him to disagree with you.

"What are you looking at me for? She's right. This is how you make pro heroes."

"Well get moving! This isn't your only class, time is precious."

You and Shota watch as they scramble and try their hardest to impress you and make good scores.

"Nice scare tactic."

You give a quick smile to Shota before looking at the students again.

"Well, I learned from the best, didn't I?"

"Well, my protege, what do you say we up the scare factor?"

"What do you have in mind?"

Shota starts walking by the students while watching them disapprovingly. You caught onto what he was doing. Giving him a little smirk from across the field, you head in the other direction.

Passing by a shrimpy looking purple guy you scribble in your notebook. You weren't really writing anything, you were doodling cats.

"Ball kid, not very strong."

You continue on like this as you make your way back to Shota. You stand next to each other and you resist the urge to rest your head on his shoulder.

"Ready to 'expel' some kids?"

"Who isn't ready to make some kids sad?"

"How you became a pro hero is astonishing."

You and Shota put the scores and ranks up on a board before addressing the students.

"Mineta, Kaminari, your scores were last."

"What? No. Please, please don't expel us."

You try to repress a smile as they kneeled on the ground begging you. You almost felt bad. Almost. You kept catching that purple twat staring at your butt. You could care less if he was expelled.

You give them a serious face before you bust out laughing.

"God, look at yourselves, you're on the floor groveling to stay. Get up, I'm not expelling you. At least not today."

"Your not?"

"No, I never was."

"You'd think after Mr. Aizawa pulled the same trick they wouldn't have fallen for it."

"However, Mineta. If I catch you staring at my girlfriend's butt again, I will kick you from this class, understand? Now go to the principal's office."

"So protective."


Edited: 1-23-20

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