👌 Neito Monoma 👌 [Part 1]

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A/N: I read Monomaslaughter as Monoma Slaughter, not Monomas Laughter...

Requested By: monomaslaughter

Drabble: "Oh, it's Baku-Bitch."

The One Where Neito Monoma Spends The Night With Katsuki's Sister.

Christmas Prompts #1, #14, And #17.

Fluffy Prompts #5 And #38.


Your eyes fluttered open and you quickly shut them as you nuzzled into your boyfriend, Neito Monoma. You'd spent the night together for the first time. You didn't want to get up, but rather stay in bed and preserve the moment.

"I don't wanna get up. You're comfy."

"We could just stay in bed."

"It's Christmas. We've got things to do."

As if to reaffirm what you'd just told Neito, your phone rang. Reaching over Neito, you grab your phone and see your brother, Katsuki, was calling you.

"Ignore it."

You roll your eyes at Neito and pick up the call, to which Neito retaliates by kissing and sucking your neck.

"Merry Christmas, Bitch."

"Merry Christmas, Whore."

"Who's on the phone? I thought I was YOUR bitch."

"It's my brother. Keep interrupting and your not gonna be my anything."

Neito grimaces. Your brother was not his favorite person.

"Oh, its Baku-Bitch."

"Who is that? Why do you have someone over so early?"

You glare at your boyfriend. If your brother knew you spent the night with Neito he'd come down from his dorm to your dorm and beat the shit out of him.

"It's just the TV."

"Well, I was calling to tell you mom and dad are coming over to pick us up. We're going out to breakfast. Dates are allowed, but I doubt they wanna spend the day with that shit-munch."

"Who's he calling a shit-"

One swift kick to his shin shuts Neito up.

"Okay, when are they coming?"

"Ten minutes."


You hang up your phone and roll out of bed. You rush around to find some clothes to put on, before looking back over at your boyfriend.

"My parents are coming over in ten minutes, so please put some clothes on. Unless you want my mom to castrate you."

Neito quickly scrambles to find his clothes.

"Your family hates me."

"They don't!- Okay, maybe a little... What do you expect, they first met you when you were making out with me. Katsuki doesn't like anyone, especially not people dating his baby sister."

"Not my fault you're kissable."

Neito comes closer to you and rests his hands on your hips. He looks up and smiles.

"Oh, how convenient, mistletoe."

Neito kisses your lips and trails his kisses down to your jar. The door to your dorm swings open and in comes your parents and brother.

Katsuki glares at Neito and runs after him.

"Let's have a snowball fight! With my fucking explosions."


Edited: 1-22-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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