🐢 Izuku Midoriya 🐢 [Part 1]

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Requested By: CupelHayomiyazaki

Imagine: Dragon Scales

The One Where [Y/N] [L/N] Was Raised By A Dragon.


You first saw him at the UA entrance exam. His freckles were adorable. He blushed when he caught your stare. You couldn't help but return it.

You would probably say what really caught your attention was his green hair. It reminded you of your dragon.

By dragon, you mean dragon. Fire breathing, scaly, beast. It was part of your quirk. You could communicate with dragons, and breeds that derived from dragons, like small lizards.

You could also summon and control them. You didn't really like controlling them. They were friends. As you get older, you'd also be able to transform yourself into a dragon.

Your dragon was a green dragon, named Archion. You've had her ever since your quirk appeared. You didn't have a family or anyone close. All you had was Archion.


You sat with Archion outside your small house in the woods. You held a letter from UA in your hands. You were about to find out if you were accepted or not.

With a deep sigh, you opened it. The All Might hologram started and said you were accepted.

"I did it. I did it Archion! I'm gonna be a hero!"


You arrived at UA. Taking a deep sigh, you walk in. You pass that kid again. You slightly blush as you go. You hoped he was in your class.

You walk into 1-A's classroom and sit in the middle seat. It's the least noticeable. You were the shy type.

"I am Mr. Aizawa, your teacher for the year. State your name and quirk."

You got nervous as people started piping up. You didn't want to introduce yourself. You felt like you had a weird quirk. You've dealt with people who disliked you for it. Your lack of parents did not help.

Your time was running out. You were the last person to talk.

"[Y/N] [L/N]. Dragons Quirk."

You notice the way the green-haired boy took interest in you. You couldn't decide if it was good or bad. Like you mentioned before: you've dealt with skeptic people.


You started your walk back home. It was a great first day. Busy, and stressful, but you were excited to be a hero.


You turned to see that boy calling your name. You had briefly talked to each other earlier before Aizawa yelled at you.

"Hello... Midoriya? Right?"

"Yeah, you remembered!"

"Yeah... You remind me of someone."

"Can I walk you home?"

Midoriya blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure, but it's pretty far."

"That's fine. It'll give us time to talk."

"So, I had some questions regarding your quirk."


"Can you breathe fire?"


"Does it make you tired?"

"If I do it too much, I also need to drink a lot of water after."

"Can your skin turn to scales?"

You lift your shirt up, and Midoriya freaks out.

"W-what are you doing?!"

"I'm making my skin scales."

"Does it hurt?"

"No. It helps protect me during battle."

"Uh... Can I, um, feel it?"

"Well... I guess..."

Midoriya touches the scales on your stomach. Both your faces heat up.

"You're so cool!"

"You think so?"

"Yeah, what else can you do?"

"No one's said that before. They're usually really judgemental... You can come inside and meet my mom if you want to learn more about my quirk?"


You take Midoriya inside your house and lead him through the back door.

"Midoriya, this is my mom, Archion. Archion, this is Midoriya, my friend."

"Your mom's a dragon?"

"No, not technically, my quirk allows me to communicate, and summon lizards and dragons. My real mom is dead. Archion has always been with me though."

This was the start of your beautiful friendship. You eventually got on a first-name basis. You met his mother, and she adored you like her own.


Edited: 12-17-19

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