❄️ Shouto Todoroki 🔥

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Imagine: Early Mornings


The One With Domestic Mornings With Your Husband, Shouto Todoroki.


Beep Beep Beep

Shoto looked over at the alarm on the bedside table. It was ringing. Alerting him, he should get up and start his day.

He felt no need to get out of bed. He didn't want to get up. To start her work. To shower. To do things. But he had too.

Groaning, he started to slip out from underneath the covers. But something stopped him.

You were there. Beautiful messy hair. One of his shirts on. You clung to him.

"Don't leave." You mumbled into his chest.

Shoto smiled at you, and he pulled the blankets closer around you guys. He readjusted yourselves so he was on his right side, and you were on your left.

He had his left hand resting on your hip, and his right was propping his head up. Your leg was thrown over his, and your arms were wrapped around his waist, pulling him in close.

"I won't leave if you don't want me too."

You moved your right hand and caressed his cheek.

"You spoil me too much."

Shoto started kissing your neck. He nibbled on your ear before whispering.

"I can't help it if I wanna keep my princess happy."

He knew he had a morning voice. That husky sound that threw you over the edge. He noticed your sharp breath.

He looked in your eyes, they had that morning glow to them. He leaned down and kissed your jaw.

He left kisses down your jaw, to your ear.

"Your eyes are beautiful."

He kissed from your ear, down to your neck, and sucked your sweet spot. It would surely leave a love bite. A low moan came from you.

Coming back up for air, he looks at you again. He noticed a few buttons of his shirt that you were wearing had come undone. It showed some of your cleavage.

Shoto undid the rest of the buttons. He pushed the shirt off your shoulders. He pressed soft kisses starting at your shoulder, leading towards your breasts.

He cupped your breasts, lightly running his fingers over your nipples. He pinched your nipples and pulled them a bit.

"I love you. Mm, the way you moan. It's beautiful."

He dropped his hands down to your waist and pulled you closer to him.

He kisses your collarbones, and moves his hand towards your heat, he pushes the panties aside and slips his finger in you.

He added another finger and quickly pumped his fingers in and out of you, nearly hitting your G spot and making you moan out. Then he slows his pace, teasing you, his thumb slowly rubbed your clit.

His other hand was occupied with your breast. Tugging at your nipple, pinching and pulling, making you moan.

He huskily whispered in your ear.

"Beg me, princess."

"Please Daddy. Mhmm, please."

He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of you at a faster pace, while rubbing an agonizing circle around your clit.

"Use your words, princess, what do you want?"

"Mh-mm, I want you to fuck me Shoto. Mhm, fuck me with your cock."

You blush and bite your lip. It drives him insane. He loves when you bite your lips. It's hot and attractive.

Shoto stands at the edge of the bed and looks at you with hungry eyes.

"Spread your legs for me princess."

"Yes, Daddy."

Shoto grabs your hips and pulls you closer to him, your legs wrapping around him. He aligns himself up to you and looks you in the eyes.

"Ready?" He asks.

Because remember, consent is important.

You nod your head in approval. That's all it takes for him to thrust in you. You moan out in ecstasy. He thrusts again, at a fast pace.

"God, baby your so tight."

You were holding onto the sheet as he pounded into you. Moaning as he went. Hair sticking to your body from sweat.

"Mhmm, Daddy."

"Louder baby."

He thrust into you even faster. Hitting your G spot, making you scream out his name.

"Mh-mm, I'm so close."

"Cum with me princess."

You both released at the same time. He collapsed on the bed next to you. He caressed your cheek.

"I'll go start the shower. Daddy needs to clean his princess."

With a kiss to the cheek, Shoto disappears down the hall to start the shower for you guys. It was mornings like this you were glad you could call him your husband.

He treated you like a real princess and spoiled you like no other. You were truly blessed.


Edited: 1-25-20

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_US


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