--- Alnus Hill, American Defensive perimeter ---
March 2nd, 2025
When the Empire called on its allied kingdoms to arms, everyone came.
Leagues away from Alnus Hill, an assembly is currently being held. King Duran Fla Elbe of the Elbe Fiefdom is seated at the head of the table, listening to the other younger kings and generals that are inside his command tent. The mood in the tent is incredibly positive and everyone seems overconfident.
He had heard of the recent reports of how the Empire was recently defeated. Hearing that, he quickly mobilized his army and sent messengers to the other Kingdoms to get ready for war. When he got the Emperor's message that his army was needed, he was ready. He felt great honor to be called to lead the Allied Army against these Other Worlders. He has fought many wars, but he can tell this time will be his legacy.
"Elputis," he said, "More wine please."
He sees his head slave move over to him and pour him more red wine. As king, he has many slaves, some to care of his chores and some for entertainment. However, Elputis has been his favorite. Elputis has always been loyal and good at his duties and in return, he gives him a good life.
He looks around the war table and sees the other Kings and Counts. He sees the main kings of Alguna, Mudwan, Toumaren, and League Principality sitting there, looking at the map.
He looks down at the table with the map of the area around Alnus Hill.
The king from Alguna stands up. He knows of him, King Dalurik Elwo Claymen. While allies under the Imperial system, they have a long history of hostility. Out of all the other vassal kingdoms, Duran hates them the most.
"Our scouts' reports are true," Dalurik said and points to Alnus Hill, "They have around ten, maybe fifteen thousand soldiers."
"That doesn't see, right," Duran said, "How could such a small force defeat the Imperial Army?"
"Maybe the Empire did more damage than the reports stated," his general said.
"Maybe," he mumbles as he thinks of the situation.
Early reports had also stated that the enemy had strange war animals and constructed strange fortifications. The other kings and general saw this as an amateur enemy, everything these Other Worlders were doing were wrong in the arts of war.
While Duran agrees with their conclusion, his gut is telling him something is off. He has fought many wars to know when something is off. There is no way this enemy could have defeated the Imperial Army and then make basic mistakes like this — unless he is missing something.
"Alright, here is the plan of attack," he said, breaking from his muse, "Mudwan will take their force from this direction. Alguna and their Hord army will attack from the east with the intent of swarming the enemy position. We all will keep them busy."
Unlike all other Kingdoms, Alguna found a way to domesticate some of the more barbaric Dark Races like Goblins, Trolls and Ogres. Being a much smaller kingdom, they used them as a slave army to fight their enemies.
Duran plans to use that to devastate the enemy defenses while they march forward.
He then looks to the rest, "The Toumaren army will attack from the west. The League army will take the gap between yours and my army."
"We will advance at dawn and overwhelm them with a combined force," he states, "My Dragon Riders and Wyvern Corps will swoop into case a distraction and cover our advance."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...