V06 - Chapter 62 Galuoa Storm and Roses Tale RM

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"A recent poll from u.gov has shown that most Americans are still uncertain on how to think on the reality that fantasy races are real. Most still believe that they cannot be trusted however that number has been dropping since the SCNR documentary of town known as the Alnus Community at Fort Alnus. Some came because they had no opportunities within the Empire, others are looking for a fresh start, others who were Imperial soldiers but switch sides because they believed in the values of the US. However, most are liberated slaves who escaped or freed from raids.

A few of the people there explained their story. The original people who built the town were refugees from another town which was burnt own. The military allowed them to come to Fort Alnus until they figure out there, they want to go. It was later decided to allow the refugees to construct a village which turned into a fully functional town. This has allowed Alnus Command to make trade connections with the farming community in the surrounding areas, which is helping relieve the food logistical burden on the military buildup.

With this documentary, more people are starting to these Falmart natives as people then mythical beasts they once saw on television. When the war began, there was little difference in the polls relating to each race. After the documentary, a divide has widened between races. With the recent report from the US Senate the Alnus/Uros Committee detailing the differences between the races.

Races like Sirens, Bunnies, Nekos have gained in popularity while elves, orcs, goblins and trolls have continued to fall. The recent conflict against the Alguna has only made the demi-humans or Dark Races has only made the hatred against these races even more. The government new extermination policy on Dark Races like trolls and goblins has been very popular with the population, with the scares of watching woman and children being raped and eaten alive from the Invasion of Philadelphia." – SCNR


--- Alguna Kingdom, Galuoa, The inner gate ---

August 10th, 2025

"Deploy the Scorpio over there. They are coming so hurry!" The head gatekeeper yells to the soldiers. Everyone is rushing all around, trying to prepare for the upcoming attack.

The famous horde army, which allows the Alguna Kingdom to stay relevant and respected in the region was completely wiped out for a second time. Everyone that was on the wall saw the sounds and the flashes of the enemy weapons in the distance. All anyone could do was stand there on the city wall and watch the bloodbath.

Watching the Other Worlders heavy wagons appearing through the valley meant that a siege was coming.

Another soldier rushes on horseback, trying to get the remaining soldiers to be ready to repel the enemy.

A loud noise is heard by the defenders and they all look behind them. There was once a massive three-story building that was being used as a military checkpoint that is now destroyed. All from one of the enemy flying machines bombs. This is not the first time, a few hours before more of their flying machines had destroyed more of the city buildings. Destroying anything that seems to have a concentration of the army.

One of the archers that are on top of the wall, be looks down to the gatekeeper. "Here they come!"

The gatekeeper looks up, shocked that the enemy is already at the city gate. He looks back at the dozens of soldiers, some in armor others just in basic robing clothing. "Brace the gate!"

Right as he said that the gate suddenly blows into a thousand pieces. Everyone around the main gate is flowing back from the blast, many dying from wood shrapnel.

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