--- Fort Alnus, Temporary Rose Knights Quarters ---
September 25th, 2025
"This is humiliating. Accepting all these gifts from these people." Jalin said, complaining of the situation.
Bozes Co Palesti stands there and crosses her arms hearing that. To her and everyone else surprise, these NATO people have provided cloths, shelter, and access to what they call the mess hall. Some of their soldiers have been rude to them but nothing major.
She watches as Jalin walks over to his assigned bed.
"These people think they can..." Jalin Tu Fendro said as he sits down on the bed. Once he sits down, he notices how comfortable the mattress is. "Hmm... this isn't bad." He finishes in a surprise and happy voice.
As she watches his attitude change, she finds it hysterical on how quick he changed his mind.
Most of the Knights came from wealthy or noble families in Sadera. Most of them being females, wanting to break the mold and to make a name for themselves. She knows that Jalin did not come from a wealthy family, so he is not used to be getting handouts.
Suddenly, the lights go out and everything goes dark. The only source of light is coming from the windows that are facing the sun.
She turns around and sees Beefeater E Caty standing by what the Other Worlders call a light switch.
"Knock it off!" She yells, getting annoyed that Beefeater keeps turning on and off the lights.
"This is just, amazing. With no effort, they can summon light without needing a torch. I wonder what kind of fire that is." Beefeater said in an amazed tone.
"Please stop. They said not to do that." She answers.
"Yes, that is starting to make my head hurt," Jalin adds.
"Fine," Beefeater said and then walks over. "I love these clothes though."
She looks at her clothes. Just like Beefeater, her, and everyone else are wearing the Other Worlder cloths What they call a t-shirt and jeans pants or shorts. All of them are these olive color but some of the shirts are white.
She must admit, the clothes are comfortable and well crafted. While pain and tasteless in style, the quality is remarkably high.
Since arriving, she has not seen anyone in robs as you will see in Sadera and most places. A few people from this world who live in Alnus are in robs or in crafted wool dresses. Most of these Alnus people seem to have adopted these types of clothing now.
"I do wonder what is going to happen now." She said.
"We will see. When the Princess figures out the lay of the land. Just remember, these people are not our friends. They are still the enemy." Jalin points out as he stretches. "Right now, it is best to just relax and recover. Lay back on the bed and sleep... but I won't like it!"
--- Nearby meadow ---
September 25th, 2025
Hamilton and Andrew are hunting for thanksgiving.
"Where did you go...?" Andrew asked himself as he looks through his Mk 21 Precision Sniper Rifle scope.
When drinking at Apex, he overheard Delilah that they will not have enough food for Thanksgiving. Hearing that he decided to go out and get some fresh meat. He has not had a chance to his sniper rifle in this war. Things have been moving too fast or our missions have been too specific for it.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...