V02 - Chapter 21 RM

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--- Fort Alnus, Vanguard Headquarters ---

May 10th, 2025

For the first time in weeks, everything is quiet at the base, well relatively quiet for an army base. The military base at Alnus Hill, now being called Fort Alnus has been a buzz of activity since the invasion(1). Most of the Vanguard teams, which are made up of Ranger from the 75th Ranger Regiment, are out on missions. When Major Sharpe's unit called in reinforcements, the bulk of the airborne forces were deployed.

It is nice that the base is quiet. The rainstorm yesterday canceled many missions leaving the base with a strange sense of peace.

First Lieutenant Sarah Rose is walking between two buildings, carrying forms, mission reports, and other paperwork. She had just finished a staff meeting and now she is heading back to her barracks, Vanguard-7 Barracks. She is the logistical member of Vanguard-7. While they are out on their missions, I get the necessary resources and information for the next mission. And if necessary, work with the other Vanguard staff members for joint missions.

She looks up at the sky and smiles. "What a beautiful world, the sky is so blue."

Looking up at the sky, she would begin to think about her team that she is responsible for. She got her team SOS and sent it up the chain of command(2). From what Alicia said the situation sounded bad. She was glad to see that the General took the matter seriously.

She knows the 101st went there but that was the last she heard of them.

"They will be fine." She said out loud, speaking to herself. "If what I think is true and he gets out of his head they should be fine."

She stops for a moment to relax. She takes a deep breath and smiles. "I do love how clear the air is here. Reminds me of home." She takes a moment to think about Wisconsin, living in the suburbs.

She walks into the Ranger Vanguard command center and sees the other Vanguard Logistical officers. Each one leading a small team with the sole purpose of supporting their teams while they explore this mostly unknown alien world.

As she sits down at her desk and gets caught up with what happened at Italica, she begins to think why Major Sharpe is allowing those three girls to tag along. They are locals and can help navigate this world, but I seem strange that he would.

On Earth, he was so distant with the team, almost like he hated joining the Rangers. But something always seemed off about that and now he is working with Lelei and Rory. Plus, he saved that little girl Selina.

And now he is protecting a city from an attack. "I had a feeling he was not a real dick."


--- Italica ---

May 10th, 2025

After the treaty was formalized and signed, Colonel Anderson and Major Sharpe are walking out of the East gate.

"Are you sure you don't want an escort back to base?" Anderson asked him

"We got it sir; we still have to complete our original mission," he responds.

He looks around as they leave the city walls. There are dozens of Airborne soldiers guarding the Blackhawks and Chinooks. Soldiers loading up a dozen prisoners into a Chinooks for integration. Besides all that, there will be dead bodies everywhere.

"Something on your mind Major?" Anderson asked.

"Just thinking sir," he replied. "I was just wondering if battlefields were like this back in the day."

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