"US Forces have security Deabis, south of Alnus. Security responsibilities will go to the Australian 1st Brigade.
Victory finally came after the complete surrender of the Elbe Fiefdom Tube Fortress. They surrendered after a military diplomat and an Elbe representative met with the Fortress commander with a letter from King Duran to Surrender. A treaty was signed between the US and Elbe, ending hostilities between the two nations, and forging an alliance.
The commander agreed to the peace terms and surrendered the fortress without the need for battle." – Free Alnus News
--- Alnus Military Police Compound, Alnus Community ---
July 4th, 2025
During that early morning, Myuute was lucky to be one of the few Alnus Military Police to be assigned to the Other Worlders airfield. While it was not a sightseeing event, it was still very amazing to see all their amazing flying machines.
That excitement ended as she sees the first flying machines, they call V-22 Ospreys landed.
Myuute watches the soldiers walk-off, fresh from battle. This is a source sight not too long ago she was on the receiving end of their firepower. A time she wishes to forget.
Everyone in Alnus knew of this mission, attacking Sadera to save their people.
Attacking Sadera, an insane plan on the best of days. The fact these people were able to pull that task off, successfully is an impressive feat.
As everyone is getting settled, the last Osprey lands and outcomes Rory and her friends.
"Alright, that helo has the enemy prisoner," Her French officer Colonel Séverin Bourque said. Her boss got orders that they picked up someone who is defecting to our side. Our job is to escort him to prison and see if that is true.
Myuute and four others walk over to the last Osprey. That is when she sees Rory. She waits until she finishes help the love of her life move out of the helicopter.
"Hi, Rory." Myuute then looks over her clothes and how ragged they look. "You look like you just faced a horde of goblins." She said, patting her on the back and begins to giggle. "I see you are still trying to get him into bed."
Rory looks at her 'friend' as her face turning bright red. "Shut up! I hate you!"
Myuute laughs at that, just teasing her demi-goddess. "Welcome back. Where is the prisoner."
Rory turns around. "I had a rough morning. I'm in no mood for your jokes."
"I am sorry Rory. What is bothering you?" Myuute asked.
"He's back," Rory said, looking back to her. She points to the Imperialist civilian being escorted by two of the Navy Seals. "And there he is."
Myuute nods her head and looks to the French MPs. "That is him."
She then looks back at Rory. "Who?"
"... Taylin..." Rory said, embarrassed.
Myuute eyes widen. "Holy flying dragon. Really? What was he doing there?"
"I don't know. We can talk later." Rory said and then looks back to the team she is helping. "I need to make sure they are ok." She then looks over to Sharpe as he talks to some base officer. "He went toe to toe against him and nearly died."
"Wait, a mortal went toe to toe?" Myuute looks over. "I thought he was just this scrawny weird." Then she pats Rory on the back again and then giggles. "He's a keeper."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...