--- Outskirts of Fortress Legrath ---
December 9th, 2025
Lieutenant General Stanford gets out of his HUMVEE and walks up to the forward. Up ahead are his soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division, Colonel Robert Barnes command.
He got reports from all the frontlines of soldiers from Krysist army all crucified. A clear warning to NATO forces of a fate of what they would do to us if captured. Which is debatable if they could capture a NATO soldier. He ordered across the board to stop to cut down these men and give them a proper military burial.
He didn't want the sight of these dead bodies to lower morale of his expeditionary force as they passed. While they were the enemy, they fought honorably, putting up a brave fight against a far technologically superior force.
This has confirmed what Major Sharpe and Princess Pina stated, that there is a power struggle within the Empire. With Krysist gone, he has been informed this new leader of Empire forces, General Herm.
All he knows about this man is what Pina quickly told him. That he led a detachment to Earth, and he has new allies that she doesn't even know about. The description both gave him sound like that green pig beast that the Rose Knights captured and surrendered to his people.
While he wanted to keep that pig beast in Alnus, but he was overruled by the White House. The pig was taken to Guantanamo Bay to be 'debriefed'. He thought that was a mistake however he from clues he got from General Donald Grant that he didn't want the CIA to get their hands on it.
This news and the situation with the crucified soldiers forced him to slow his operational plans down until he had a better understanding of the situation. His original plan was just to move in fast and hard, taking the fortress with overwhelming strength.
He always wanted to take the fortress intact. It has a key strategic location, and the unusual size of the facility makes it a possible well-defended position for future NATO operations. He assumed early on that Legrath had a culture and prestige role within the Empire because of its size and importance to the Imperialist Army.
Besides bombing it with a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast or known as MOAB to destroy it. Taking the fortress and planting the Stars and Stripes on the towers will be a massive propaganda victory through all of the Empire. Besides, a place like this would have many secrets and treasure deep down inside, assist that might be worthwhile to NATO war efforts.
He sees Colonel Robert standing by some of his Officer staff.
When he walks up, he sees what they are looking at. Fortress Legrath.
"Lieutenant General," Robert welcomes him.
"Colonel," Stanford replies. "That is one big dirt pile."
"I told you we should have invaded the south," Robert replies with a smirk.
He shakes his head as he heard that. Rumor has it that the Kingdom of Toumaren has these amazing beaches. Beaches usually meant woman, at least that is what his friend Robert is implying.
"Maybe in the next war Robert," He replies, grabbing his binoculars. "I won't tell your wife you said that though."
"So, there is going to be another war?" Robert says joking. "And besides, my wife likes it when I am off at war. Apparently, I make a mess at home. Anyway, should we storm the place?"
"Not yet," He said. "However, if anyone leaves the fortress to take them out."
Then he sees a few more officers walk up. Colonel Shunya Kengun from Japan, Colonel Brad Wing from the United Kingdom and Colonel Léonard Chapelle from France.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...