V06 - Chapter 59 Sweet Taylin RM

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"Today we learned NATO forces from Fort Talas successfully crushed the Alguna Army. The Dark Races like the man-eating Ogres, trolls, and the goblins hordes were easily put down. A British infantry company from the 20th Armored Infantry Brigade discovered what is being reported as Hob Hut.

A Hob Hunt is like an artifact goblin den, where the barbaric Dark Races live in. The Alguna use these huts to domesticate these barbarians and use them as pawns for their wars. It is believed this is to help compensate for their kingdom small size and lack of population.

According to Elbe, Alguna is known to breed these creatures. Unlike most places where slaves are used as servants, labors, or sex slaves, Alguna uses slaves to feed and breed their horde army. This usually turns out that males are food and females are used to repopulate.

Lieutenant General Stanford released a statement on this discovery. He stated that all huts will be raided for prisoners and then burned. Up to this point there has been a debate in the United States Congress on how to deal with these Dark Barbarians. Some want to apply the same Human Right standards while others want to give the military authority to cleanse these races from NATO territory.

With this discovery, the Senate approved a bill to deem the barbaric dem-humans as enemies of Humanity and that the military has a mandate to remove the threat. The objective is to remove races like goblins from the region. The local population has stated removing races like goblins would make the villagers feel safer as they no longer must worry about being attacked, killed, or kidnapped. News of this policy has gained favor with many locals, hopeful that this threat might be removed once and for all.

The US Marines with French Foreign Legion forces have bene task with rooting out these Horde Huts. If they can free anyone who are inside and then burn the facilities down. Any Goblins, Trolls, ogres, orcs who do not surrender are ordered to be killed." - Free Alnus Radio


--- Fort Alnus, Vanguard Headquarters---

July 30th, 2025

Rory Mercury is sitting down on this comfy office chair. Currently, she is spinning around on it, enjoying the ride. "This is so much fun"! She tells as she enjoys herself.

Sharpe is standing there watching, just baffled as he watches Rory.

Right next to him is his superior Colonel John Yang. He is also amused by the sight. "Should we stop her? She is going to get sick."

"Na, let her figure that out. Besides, this is good intel." Sharpe responds, trying to count how many times she can go around.

"What intel?" Yang askes.

"Well... I can have her do this to win a bet." Sharpe responds as he loses track of how many spins.

Yang looks over to him and chuckle. "You're insane."

Sharpe looks over to him. "What? I am surrounded by estrogen all day. That is expensive. Need to make a buck somehow."

As they talk, Rory stops spinning around, finally getting dizzy from the chair. "Wow.... That was fast.... Why are there nine of you?"

Sharpe watches as Rory slowly recovers, thinking how that was just adorable. He then leans closer to Yang to ask him a question. "Is it worth it?" He asks with a tone in his voice like he has been thinking about the topic a lot recently.

Yang looks back at Sharpe and then back to Rory. He clearly understands what Sharpe is referencing Selina. In the beginning, he was not thrilled that Sharpe intervened. I cannot have an Officer or anyone getting involved in everything all the time. Then allowing her to tag along on some missions, it was bad enough allowing Lelei and Rory to tag along. Since then, Yang's views have changed. They all proven to be a great assistant to our mission. They even lighten him up a bit, which only made it easier to deal with him. All that plus learning he's ex-Delta, he decided a while ago to give the Major leeway.

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