--- Fortress Legrath ---
December 13th, 2025
Delilah is currently moving quickly after jumping off the ground. She lands on the upper part of a pillar and bounces off it. This allows her to fly behind the enemy formation.
Once she lands, she takes out her curve blade and swings it around with incredible speed. As a Warrior Bunny, she has far faster reflexes compare to most other races.
The Imperialists soldiers around her fall from her assault. The ones who turn around were easily picked off by her Ranger squad mates.
It wouldn't take long for the plaza to be cleared out.
She gets up and sees her boyfriend Captain Bailey and the rest of his Vanguard-5 Rangers move out of their cover and secure the area.
"This place should be good," Bailey said. He then walks up to her, giving her a thumbs up. "Nice job."
She returns the thumbs up and smiles at him. This thumb pointing is a very strange custom for her to learn but has started to enjoy it. She has found these Humans from Earth have strange and sometimes silly customs.
"Alright Rangers," Bailey yells. "Secure the area. Smith. Get on the horn and contact command. We are securing the LZ and there are good to go."
She walks up to his side as she listens to his orders. The plan is for many of the Special Forces units to either target and secure places of interest and secure landing zones for reinforcements. She has found that these people love to fly in the air. While she has been in their flying machines, she still prefers to be on the ground.
She looks to him and smiles. She never thought she would ever find love after what happened to her kingdom. Seeing the slaughter and hardship, barely getting away from the massacre. Most of her friends and family were either killed or enslaved.
Finding someone she can care about closely again seems impossible for the longest time but now she is glad that she was wrong. His team helped her rescued her queen from Prince Zorzal during the Raid of Sadera(1). At the time she still and mix feelings about the Americans. He lost two men during the rescue and after that, she just felt like she owned him. It started off just being friendly at the bar she works at. Slowly it just led to something more important.
"Helo inbound," Hopkins yells.
"Roger that," Bailey yells. "Everyone watches out. They will have to rope down so they will be vulnerable."
"Rope down?" She asks.
"Yes," Bailey replies. "The Chinook is too big to safely land here. Just use those cute ears of yours and warn me if anything coming."
She blushes and glares at him. "What is up with you and my ears?"
"Well, I could talk about other body parts of yours," Bailey says with a cheeky tone.
She punches him in the arm. "Not the right time."
As she looks up at him, face all read she can hear the loud sound of their heavier helicopter called a Chinook. Since that day she enjoys his flirtation and how he looks at her. While at the bar everyone gets a bit touchy with her, she enjoys his touch.
"So, there is a time later?" Bailey said and then looks to the incoming Chinook.
With the radio she was given, she can hear the two pilots talking to Bailey and the radioman Smith. Coordinating on their approach so they can drop reinforcements.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...