V02 - Chapter 20 Siege of Italica RM

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--- Italica, Palace Chamber ---

May 10th, 2025

Pina is walking back and forth in the palace's main chamber. As she paces, she hears another one of those flying beasts go by. The sound is loud, louder than a dragon or Wyvern. Her mind has been trying to figure out how that metal dragon works, and what else they might have at Alnus Hill.

She is still coming to terms on what she just saw, these 'Americans' are just too powerful to fight. How could the gods allow this, letting such a powerful enemy exist? How can the Empire even dare to challenge such a force?

"What am I supposed to do? There is nothing I can do; I am completely at their mercy." She rambles, speaking out loud as she paces. "They have to be beasts, but I saw people in them. They didn't even need to go through the city gate, they just flew over it."

"At least the city is safe," Myui points out.

"And now we will be their slaves," she responds sharply. "I know you are just a little girl but please understand the gravity of this situation."

Before she retreated into the palace, she saw those soldiers gathering up what remains of the bandits. The townsfolk all cheered for the Americans for saving them. Today was a great victory, but the victory does not belong to the Empire.

"Are we so little to the gods, are we so small to them? How could we even compete against that?" she asked herself, trying to understand this new reality.

Hamilton is sitting down on a step that leads to a small throne. She also is trying to come to terms with what she just saw. "Maybe it won't be so bad Princess? You are royalty after all. They might go soft on you or trade you for something besides enslaving you or raping you."

She stops and looks at Hamilton after hearing that. "Are you kidding? Didn't you see that power? We are nothing to them. We are nothing to the gods. They are going to come in here and take us as trophies."

She begins to pace again. "I wonder what they will ask of me? Will they send me their leader or just toss me with the other whores since we're so far below them!?" She said, rambling again.

"I don't think it will be that bad," Myui states again. "They never acted threatening."

"You realize that because of how young you are, you will probably be worth the most," she states. "Did you see Major Sharpe with that young girl in his wagon? I think he has a thing for girls your age so you should be worried."

"I cannot believe it is over," Hamilton said. "Our first battle, our first mission. Such a humiliation."

She stands there and takes a deep breath. "That is the rules of war. We should embrace our fate."

That is the rule of war, the victor gets to claim what they want. The strong dominating the weak. Over the past six hundred years the Empire has grown and taken over many kingdoms. That is the nature of things.

She thinks back to all the times the Empire had conquered lands, enslaved the local population. The men would be taken to work in the mines or for personal sport. The women taken to become servants or trophies to the legionnaires. In all nineteen years of her life, she never once considered that one day she might end up as someone's trophy. Her stature was supposed to protect her.

As she ponders on every scenario that might happen to her, one of the palace maids comes through the door. This one is a humanoid bunny with long ears named Mamina.

"Your highness, the leaders of the Other Worlders has come to visit you," Mamina said.

"Let them in," she orders. To her confusion Mamina seems relaxed, like she does not fear these Other Worlders.

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