V03 - Chapter 34 Elias Forest Campaign RM

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--- Elies Forest ---

May 24th, 2025

As the fighting inside the fort continues, Lelei walks up to one of the vehicles that are facing the fort. She can hear some of the nearby soldiers talking by some of the vehicles. It sounds like they are commenting about the fighting from inside the fort and how intense it sounds like inside there.

As she watches the fort, one of their Stryker's with a heavy cannon is tearing apart of the keep. Apparently, the strike team requested fire support on the keep. It seemed they were taking heavy arrow fire from there. It is a specular sight to see how efficient the destruction is.

The rapid firing from the Stryker ends as she witnesses two of what they call Javelin missiles hit the outer edges of the keep. After the two explosions from the missile strikes and parts of the keep starts fall apart.

"Hmm... everything seems to be going as planned." She said as a few soldiers to her left fires another Javelin missile at the fort. Its target seems to be a trebuchet that is on the far side of the wall. The missile hits its target, blowing up the device and everyone around it.

That is when she overhears Peterson over the radio. She looks down at a handheld radio that was given to her.

"All units, move to the right flank, contact right. Engage at will, weapons free," Peterson orders

That is when she notices everyone around her pack up and rush to the right side of their position. The three vehicles that they call Stryker and the JLTVs begin to move, most of them going to where their commander said to.

Small arm weapon fire can be heard from that location. As more soldiers arrive at that location, the sound of weapons fire increases.

She decided to rush over there to see if there is anything she can do to help.

"Lelei! What is going on!?" That is Selina over by one of the vehicles, next to Sergeant Alicia while she is talking on the radio.

"Stay there. We are under attack," she said to Selina as she readjusts her combat helmet. Just like Selina, she also was given some protection to wear while in combat.

Once she arrived at the right flank, she could see the Empire forces advancing. There seem to be about four hundred cavalry taking cover in the tree line. For her something seems to be off, the horsemen are not attacking but taking cover. That is not what horses are for though.

That is when she overhears someone yells 'incoming'. She looks up in the air and sees these two fireballs coming in their direction. As everyone around her breaks for cover, she begins to chant a spell. As she chants, the top of her staff glows bright blue and then she raises it, pointing at the two fireballs.

Two bursts of energy appear from her staff and strike both objects, blowing them up.

Once she finishes her spell she looks around and receives some cheers from the American soldiers, impresses with what she did. It was just a basic spell. For a people who never experience the magic, she guesses the most basic of spells would be impressive to them.

"Thanks kid," Johnson said. He walks over to her as the fighting starts to pick up again.

"Those were some kind of projectiles," she said looking towards him as he walked up.

"Yeah, kind of figured. Had to come from some artillery piece, which means all of this was preplanned. We are in a trap," Johnson said, thinking out loud.

"I somewhat agree but their attack seems disorganized doesn't it? I mean I'm not a military expert but why are there so few of them and why haven't they properly attacked?" she said as she looks over to the Imperialist lines.

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