"Good Morning Alnus Hill. Today we got reports from Earth. After the President's speech, many Coalition nations agreed to increase their troop commitments to the Special Region known as Uras. In other news, we have the final casualty count for the Raid on Sadera. Five Army Rangers gave their lives in the raid. We thank them for their serves." – Free Alnus Radio
--- Vanguard-Command Briefing Room, Fort Alnus ---
July 10th, 2025
First Lieutenant Sarah Rose currently is at a briefing room with the rest of her other Vanguard Logistical Officers. Since every Ranger team goes out to explore this world, command decided to have someone there to help with the logistics for each team.
All around Sarah are other officers sitting at the desk, all looking forward to this whiteboard.
Lieutenant Colonel Kasen, the head exploration operations in the Special Region. He is not liked by many of the Vanguard teams. He prefers to be a desk manager then being an actual leader. Sarah's team leader and the Lieutenant Colonel have developed a history of not liking each other. Kasen seems to only want to do the bare minimum.
During the Elias Forest Campaign, he rejected the request for air support. Sarah had to take the initiative and ask some contacts she has developed on base to figure something out(1). Later she found out that he did not even look. For that embarrassment, he has placed her on his shit list.
Today he has been talking about the upcoming invasion of the rest of the Elias region. So far, our forces have been using kid gloves on dealing with the enemy. After the presidential address to the nation, that is no longer the case.
Kasen begins pointing to some pictures of the region. There are arrows and other markings, showing targets and directions that our forces are planning on using.
"The bulk of the 1st Cavalry Division and parts from the 101st and 82nd will be pushing down the middle, assisted by French forces. Polish and English forces will be taking the northern villages." Kasen explains.
Everyone in the room is taking notices, analyzing the maps and all facts. Their job will be to inform their team superior of upcoming news and orders. Also, make sure they get all the supplies they need for their mission ready.
"There are three forts we need to take," Kasen said. He moves his hands to point at the three forts. "When the Empire loses these three forts, we will effectually rule over the whole region. The Empire will no longer be able to mobilize an army on our eastern flank. At least for now."
That is when some other male lieutenant raises his hands. "Sir, why don't we just air strike them all?"
That is a good point. Just bombing these forts would be far easier.
Kasen points his pen at Lieutenant April. "Good question. Air support has been approved for the invasion however Stanford wants to lure the enemy out their formations."
Everyone in the briefing knew what he meant by that. The armies of the past like to form up in the open, tightly packed together. It makes sense if you are fighting another enemy who uses the same tactics however, they do not. Their tactics benefit us forces very much.
"However, the last fort is off-limits for direct airstrikes," Kasen said.
That confused everyone.
"Why not sir?" Sarah asked him.
"The locals call this facility Fort Legrath. It has stood for over four hundred years. It can garrison up to a hundred thousand soldiers if needed. We don't expect a force that size but still." Kasen explains, giving her an annoyed look.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...