As Sharpe leans against the ground, hand on his chest after getting shot. He is breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.
He can hear gun fighting still going on, other members of the Delta team still fighting for survival. This was his fight combat mission and he begin to realize that it probably will be his last.
He looks down to see his hand and sees that it is covered in blood from his bullet wound.
He then hears something. He looks up and sees this soldier, one of the Chinese Special Forces soldiers.
He sees that the soldier spots him and aims his rifle.
Seeing that, he grabs his M1911 pistol and aims, firing one shot.
The Chinese soldier falls from the shot.
He takes a breath of relief, now just have to find the energy to get up and look for survivors. The whole platoon wiped out just to save the North Korean fat pig. The President said it was one of those moments in history where everything could change or not.
Regardless if that is true or not, we were it. Very little time to prepare, very little time to plan. The cloak of history always against the ones who wish for more time. So, the Delta platoon command said, Major Harvey before a bullet went through his skull in the intense firefight.
Before he could get up, he hears a noise coming from the left. He prays to god that it is either one of his boys or the South Koreas back up. He looks over, aiming his pistol. He sees another Chinese soldier standing there, aimed. He tried to fire another shot...
--- Path of Hardritus ---
August 27th, 2025
Sharpe opens his eyes and sits up. Before he gets anywhere, he is forced right back down by this strong force.
"Don't move." He hears this soft feminine sweet voice as he is forced back down.
With his vision coming back, he looks up and sees Rory's face looking down at him. He sees her give him the biggest motherly smile he has ever seen. It was only a few days ago where he was extremely angry at her but now none of that matters.
"Shh. You are safe, everything is ok. Just relax and rest. Don't let your mind drift away from my voice again." Rory said as she moves her hands to both sides of his head, trying to help him relax.
Hearing that, he finally relaxes. She must have realized he was having those dreams again, something that seems to be no secret anymore. The last thing he remembers was Krysist fist ramming right at him and then everything went back. He closes his eyes and then reopens them. He notices that his head is laying on Rory's legs, acting as a pillow for him.
He moves his hand to his chest, now feeling this pain on his chest. He realizes that he is shirtless with bandages around his chest. Now he feels two spots, right in the center and the other on his side. The chest from being hit by this magic attack by that strange-looking elf and the other from Krysist blade.
"Are you ok Major? Jerry really knows his stuff. The wounds were not as serious as they look." Lelei said in a happy voice. "That magic attack wasn't mean to do a lot of damage. I think it was to just to destroy your equipment do you couldn't call for help."
He lifts his head to see his surroundings but is forced back down by Rory Mercury.
"Yes, he doses... Sitrep." He asked.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...