--- Iruos Highway ---
May 23rd, 2025
Vanguard-7 is back on the field after a short leave in Alnus. They are joined by two other Vanguard teams in the region, Vanguard-5 and Vanguard-3. Major Sharpe is happy to be out on the field again, finding it relaxing. He never like to much down time at base.
NATO forces have been pushing west sense Italica, pushing the Empire out of NATO western flank. The Dumas Mountain Range to the east of Alnus has proven to be a massive obstacle. Italica was no longer a threat, Lieutenant General Charles Stanford decided to secure the western flanks of Alnus. He is not scared of an eastern attack because of the large Dumas Mountains.
The farming town of Naiktai fell after a short siege. Atler quickly surrendered afterwards. Imperial forces put up a two-day fight at the river city of Valtris until British SAS captured the Count of the city(1). The Campaign in the Troph Hills lasted a week and a half in a NATO victory.
While NATO and US military technology and professionalism has been a decisive edge, Valtris and the Troph Hills has shown the Empire can draw blood. While relatively light number of casualties, it was more than expected by NATO brass.
Once Valtris fell, the town on the other side of the Row Stream Etlia surrendered. Daze, a small ferry town south of Valtris fell five days later. With Valtris and Daze occupied, NATO western front became secured.
Once the west was secured, Alnus Command discovered that the Greater Elies Region is the heart of the Empire agriculture. According to Lelei, the region supplies the Empire about thirty-five percent of the continent.
It was decided to send in the Ranger Vanguard teams to start exploring the region to see the value in the invasion or see if they can turn cities away from the Empire.
In addition, securing a steady flow of food stuff locally would free up logistics with the Gate. Besides a few farms near Alnus and Italics, all of NATO food brought from Earth to Alnus. This means it takes longer for other military material and personnel to come through.
The 75th Rangers were chosen for this task because they are some of the best warriors America has to offer. They can adapt to new and changing environments while on the field. They are highly trained, some of the best and can fight against superior numbers. Their history has been busting the door open for larger forces to follow. Fighting the British back in the Revolutionary War, climbing the cliffs of Point Du Hoc during World War Two and being some of the first troops in the invasion of Panama in the 1989. They are the perfect force to spearhead the US effort in this world.
The team convoy will be driving along and all they have seen so far is farmlands. It has been fascinating seeing what Earth considers ancient culture and seeing that as daily life.
He is sitting in his seat as Corporal Andrew drives his command JLTV. As he looks at the bright sun, an idea appeared in his head. "Damn..., I cannot believe I didn't ask this before."
He looks into the back of the vehicle and see Selina, Rory, Lelei and Alicia. Selina is watching something on a tablet he gave her, Lelei of course be reading a book about natural physics and Rory will be cleaning her Halberd.
"Ladies, question. Correct me if I am wrong, you call your sun Flare correct?" he asked.
Rory looks up at him and smiles, nodding at him. "The god of the Sun, yes."
He nods his head, glad that he remembered that right. Lelei and Rory has explained that this world has many different gods, each representing a list of 'jobs' that are part of daily life. The topic reminded him of Earth Roman and Greek mythology gods.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...