V03 - Chapter 37 New Bonds RM

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--- Italica ---

June 1st, 2025

Princess Pina is standing on the balcony at the Italica palace. She is with her most trusted servant and friend Hamilton. There is another girl here, Countless of Italica, Myui Del Formal.

Myui and her sisters are the last of their family. All the men of her family were recently killed by the Other Worlders during the invasion of their world. When the Empire called for a grand crusade through the gate and being loyal vassals as they were, they went to war.

Her older sister Elle and Loui were already married off to other Counts and Dukes years ago. With both of her parent's dead now, she is left to run Italica alone.

All three of them are looking outside past the wall, watching the large flying wagons the Americans call a Chinook. It is slowly hovering down to the patch of grass. Theirs is two of their soldiers on the ground holding these glowing sticks with others acting as security. It seems like they are giving it flying directions.

The villagers are also watching it, from the walls or the other tall buildings. They seem to be enjoying the event. That makes sense, they are the ones who saved the city not that long ago.

All three of them seen this flying device before, during the Siege of Italica(1). Two of these Chinooks came to the rescue and once they landed on the ground dozens of soldiers came out from behind it.

Unlike last time, they are expecting them to come. After that battle, the treaty stated that these Americans can set up a diplomatic outpost here in the city. This outpost is to maintain a dialogue with both the Empire and Italica. However, she is guessing this is an attempt for the Other Worlders to drive a wedge between the Empire and Italica, capitalizing on the good will they gain from the Italica peasants.

When the Italica Treaty was being negotiated, the terms confused her. At first it looked like they were the ones surrendering after divisively winning the battle. After spending much time thinking about it and Grey guidance, she concludes that they are looking for a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. She is happy

"It is very impressive isn't it," Myui states as she watches the flying machine lands on the grass. "Princess, do you think your father knew they were this powerful before starting his crusade?"

Hamilton looks at Myui nervously. "Countless, you can't just say something like that. It is not proper."

"It is ok Hamilton. I have been wondering that same thing." Pina said.

She has been wondering that herself recently. Why would her father just blindly invade another world when we know nothing about them? It is probably we have been so successful in expanding our border, conquering everyone and everything around us for so long, that we think how could we ever lose?

Pina smiles after that thought. "Hubris..." She said quietly.

"I am sorry princess?" Myui asked her, hearing something.

She looks down at the eleven-year-old girl Myui. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking. It does not really matter anymore. This is the state of the world and we have to face it."

That is when Pina sees a man in what looks like in official black clothing. Compare to the soldiers, he stands out, not wearing whatever their soldiers' wear. "Hamilton, is that their ambassador?"

Hamilton walks up and looks more closely. "I believe so. They did say the ambassador would be in a black suit. I don't know what a suit is but what he is wearing is all black."

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