--- Fort Alnus, Vanguard Headquarters ---
October 28th, 2025
In Alnus, Sarah is at the Vanguard office, doing some paperwork.
"Wow... I cannot believe how little work I have when there not around." She said chucking as she catches up on emails. She is surprised how little work when she does not have to do eighty percent of her boss's paperwork.
As the team logistics officer in this world, it is her job to make sure everyone in Vanguard-7 is well equip, have everything they need before going on a mission. Sometimes when they are out, get work on resupply missions or pass along new intelligence or mission change they might need.
But when the team entered Havcristen everything became local, meaning her role has been reduced.
Her desk phone begins to buzz. She picks up it. "This is First Lieutenant Rose of Vanguard-7 speaking."
There is a small delay and some static. "This is Major Sharpe, do you read?"
She is surprised by this. Unless he needs something, he does not normally call her. He always preferred to keep a tight lip when it comes to military operations, and she noticed that has spread to everything else in his life.
A habit from his Spec Ops day, but that does not mean she finds it frustrating. Sometimes she struggles doing her job when he does not share everything about a mission, but it is something she has accepted.
"Yes it is, sir, what can I do for you?" She responds.
"Listen carefully, I need some assistance for an upcoming op." He said in a cold commanding voice.
"Ok, sir. But is everything you need already there? Is the invasion doing ok?" Sarah asked.
"Invasion fine. I just need some help pulling this off." He said.
He is confused by this but can hear the urgency in his voice. After the last few months of the girls chipping his Fort Knox walls, he has down, she has figured out how to read his mood.
"Tell me what you need but it might be helpful if you tell me what's going on." She said, getting ready to take notes.
"I'm laying a trap for Krysist. I have Colonel Yang full support on this, and we are on the clock." He answers hesitantly.
Her eyes widen when she realizes that she said that out loud.
She has learned that Sharpe does not take losing very well. To him, losing means someone died under his command. She was hoping what happens at the fortress and with Tuka be an isolating innocent.
She and everyone else has enjoyed this newer happier commanding officer, not weighted down by the past. She fears that this will destroy all that progress. He does not give up and that is something she loves about him, but not in manners like this.
"Nothing sir, tell me what you need." She said.
She begins to write down a father small list that he asked her. As she writes what he asked down, she is surprised and confused by his requests.
"Sir, are you sure? Do you think they will agree to do your request?" She asked, confused about what is going on in his head.
There is a short static silence over the network. In the background, she could hear some gunfire.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...