"We recently got reports that the US Senate has approved President Pots proposal with Major General Charles Stanford promotion to Lieutenant General. He was a Lieutenant General of the United States Army. He was the first General to lead US forces to Uros and since then has been leading NATO and other Allied forces on the alien world.
At first, the invasion was defense in nature but as more forces were deployed to the growing challenge of Earth's first Interstellar War. While the beginning of the war only had about thirty thousand total troops from NATO and Allied forces, it has grown to over one hundred and fifty US personal and over fifty thousand NATO and Allied militaries as the fight on three different fronts.
As the growing military and civilian presence on Uros, many wanted to create a rotational model like that was employed in Afghanistan, a General serving for a single year before being deployed elsewhere. President Pots said that she was fully against another rotational model, stating that she believed that was way the Afghanistan War was mismanaged for so long. That the President wants to have a single General in command of the war just like how World War Two was managed and believed that the Lieutenant General has proven that he understands the facts on the ground.
The promotion came from his success in the open invasion, forming an alliance with the locals like the Italica and the Elbe Fiefdom and an overwhelming victory in the Greater Elies Region and the successful raid on saving American one Brazilian prisoners.
While the Empire seems to have endless numbers of their war machine, it seems that General Stanford leadership has allowed us to keep the initiative and the spirit of the American Way." – Alnus Liberty News
--- Camp Galileo ---
January 10th, 2026
After the semi-successful rescue mission, Major Sharpe was ordered to go to Colonel Tim Esper's briefing room with Doctor John Monra to talk about what happened.
After making sure his team gets settled and that Andrew got to the infirmary to get his arm treated. The base doctor seems to be afraid that Andrew might get an infection from the bat so he will have to go into a two-week quarantine.
Now he is the debrief room with Tim and John. General Charles Stanford, Ambassador Harland Willington Colonel William of Alnus Base defenses, French Colonel Séverin Bourque of the Alnus Military Police, and Colonel John Yang are on the main screen on the wall, each having their slot.
The female scientist told John that this strange looking pigman took the other male scientist, saying that the facility had too many Other Worlder females. She was going to be taken to a different facility where she is needed more.
He leans on the desk looking at the screens. "Yes Sir," He said to Stanford. "That Man-Bear-Pig(1) creature sounds like what I fought in Legrath. The Bat and the other Human prisoner confirm the sighting. They also said that they never have seen or heard of their kind before."
"My scientist said that they call themselves The Haryo Tribe," John said.
"The Haryo Tribe?" Willingdon asked, making sure he understood.
"Correct," He said.
"Major," Stanford said. "Please correct me but you first faced them when you were rescuing Princess Pina after General Krysist kidnapping of her(2)?"
"That is correct sir," He replies. "Not including when Princes Pina brought in that prisoner(3).
"Hmm," Stanford said and thinks. "That makes two encounters so far."

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...