V12 - Chapter 140 3rd Recon Team

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--- Greater Elies Region, Becwood Forest ---

January 28th, 2026

The Imperial Soldier jumps onto this wet log and then jumps off it, hitting the ground hard. The ground is slippery as the ground is wet from the heavy rain.

He feels one of his comrades picks him up. "We have to go!"

He gets up and starts rushing. Up ahead is a small fort that was quickly assembled.

When the regional capital Havcristen fell, it split the Imperial Army in the Greater Elies Region. General Krysist and Legatus Propraetor Pelue Muilk took their forces for the last stand at Fortress Legrath. Everyone else ran north to regroup.

A week ago, a five thousand strong Imperial force tried to retake Havcristen. The assault ended in a disaster. Right now, Havcristen is divided on which side to support. There is a massive debate going on in the city to support the Other Worlders if they accept their trade terms. Many do not want to change their slave labor force fearing to be put out of business.

They thought they could capitalize on this divide. If they could reach the city, the city would revolt and together purge the Other Worlders.

They only got twelve leagues before they were spotted by the Other Worlders' flying machines. After that, artillery started raining down, they were forced to flee seeing no path to the city.

The fleeing forces were split into three groups. From what he can understand one of the groups was already annihilated.

He and his comrade get behind these boulders and trees, using them as cover. "Who is in command here?"

He watches as three archers fire their arrows. This man rushes up and looks at him. "No idea."

He looks around to see how many there are alive. Right now, he sees around fifteen soldiers from the fleeing Legion. Most of them are Human. Then he hears a bullet hit the boulder.

"Don't worry," One of the soldiers said. "Just a stray."

He sits down and starts to catch his breath. He can hear battles raging all around the forests.

"I don't understand," A soldier says as he tries to catch his breath.

"Neither do I," He replies. He gets up and looks past the boulder.

He sees the trees hoping to get a glimpse of the enemy. He originally thought the Other Worlders were a joke for not wearing proper armor. Since then, he sees the value in their uniforms. While not as effective as an invisibility spell, their clothes blend in well with to the environment. No wonder General Krysist was trying to adopt the enemy uniform styles.

"I was certain we could lose them in the forest." He spoke.

He and everyone else hears these zooming sounds above. He looks to the left and hears loud explosions. Through the dense trees, he can see some of the explosions from the Other Worlders' artillery. Then the sounds of the enemy's gunfire are heard as a small battle begins in the distance.

"How did they find us?" A soldier asked.

"I don't know," He said. "But I have seen this before(1). During the opening invasion, the enemy used their long-range Trebuchets. They sent small squads out to spot out for our positions and then they destroyed us."

Based on the explosion and then the follow-up assault that just happened, he remembers seeing these small insects flying machines around in the trenches in the hedgerows. However, they did not act like normal insects. They seemed to be spotting for the enemy.

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