V04 - Chapter 47 Good Morning RM

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--- The United States President Emily Pots addressing the Nation ---

July 4th, 2025

My fellow Americans, I give you this address today about the current events in the Special Region.

As you all know a situation arises with some members of the Royal Family of the Empire. With my full support, we quickly arrange terms for negotiations.

I authorized the State Department to form a delegation to meet with the Emperor. The goal was to lay terms for a peace treaty, effectively ending the war.

Once the delegation arrived in the Capital city Sadera, they found an American girl that was taken during the Battle of Philadelphia and turned into a slave. The bravery of our U.S. Rangers and the diplomatic team swiftly freed the girl and brought her back to our forces at Alnus Hill. We later learned that the Empire has more of our people as slaves, the exact amount is still unknown.

Fearing the safety of any other of our people that were captured, I authorized Lieutenant General Stanford to launch a rescue mission to get all our people back. I am here to tell you that the mission was a complete success, with the freeing of four Americans and one Brazilian national.

The battle was intense however the bravery and professionalism of our Army Rangers and Navy Seals allowed them to overcome the Empire forces and free our people.

However, this situation should have never happened. While exploring and waging war on this new world, my administration... I should have foreseen that this barbaric medieval world kidnapped and enslaved some of our people.

Because of this and if the enemy continues to hold our people as slaves, there will be no peace.

I am here to lay out a new military strategy for the Special Region. Currently, we are employing a defensive stance to prevent a second attack. I am now expanding the role of our forces to actively engage the Empire and their allies.

Our troops and with our Coalition allies, we will roll back the Empire until they accept nothing less of unconditional surrender. With our new strategy, we will be expanding our presence in this new world.

I am deploying the rest of the 101st and 82nd divisions. The 10th Mountain will follow afterward. I am also requesting Congress for the reactivation elements of the 2nd Armored, 5th Infantry Divisions, 5th Marines and with an addition of five more Air Force squadrons and the creation of the 25th Space Wing for deployment to the Special Region. We will establish a military presence in one new occupied and allied territory.

... My fellow Americans, let me explain to you the full situation that we are facing. This is a strange unknown world to us. There are things that defy everything we have ever known about our world and the universe. That we have faced and seen things that we can fully explain.

We are going to face situations that our world has not seen since ancient times. Events and anomalies that we might not fully understand. What might be normal to the people of that world might seem so alien to us. Everything we believed to be a fantasy, a dream, is now all true. Many of you might fear this new world.

However, though, I am not afraid and none of us should be. I genuinely believe that we are going to win this war.

Since when the Gate opened, our troops have bravely faced the unknown. Taking Alnus Hill while facing nearly a hundred thousand enemy troops. Fought a bandit army that nearly destroyed a civilian city. Defeated legendary beasts that were considered to be unstoppable and much more since then.

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