"Today the Un ambassador from China launched a formal protest against the United States. They claim that the US is illegally preventing their right to explore the new word. They continue to make the claim that the Gate should be given United Nations control so all nations could have equal access to the Special Region or knows as Uros by the International Astronomical Union.
The US Ambassador Kevin Collins to the UN countered by saying that China to have a history of not honoring international agreements. That China must pull out of northern Afghanistan. China invaded the Badakhshan, Kunduz, and Takhar Province.
China invaded these places after the NATO withdraw in 2022. While no official comment by the Chinese government, expects believe it is to mine much needed ore in those regions and to expand the 'One-Belt-One-Road Initiative'.
Tension rose as the US continual refuse to allow Chinese aligned nations to the Gate, saying that the Gate is under American control and should be protected by free nation." – SCNR News
--- Fort Alnus ---
December 21st, 2025
On this sunny but crisp day, Princess Pina is walking through the military base. She is not alone, her most loyal and trusted servant, Hamilton is by her left side as always. Bozes is also with her, walking by her right side. All in their standard Rose armor.
For the past fifteen minutes, they have been talking about those three movies they saw in Italica which was called The Hobbit. From what Sarah said, that movie is their version of a theater. Everything she saw was not real but just a story they wrote.
When they say this work looks like one of their made-up fantasies, they were not kidding. She could not believe how similar their stories are to her world. She started to understand why these Other Worlders are so confused by her world. To them, it is like walking into a dream, but that dream is real.
What scared her the most was the talking dragon. This world has dragons, massive ones but nothing like that. The other thing that scared her was how organized the dark races where. They fought just like standard armies. The one key advantage the Empire had against them was organization.
The main bad guy interested her. Sharpe said this was a prequel to a far greater trilogy, whatever that means. That evil eye man though, Sauron reminds her of Queen Famulis. A unifying force for the forces of evil.
The one thing she thought was funny was the relationship between the Dwarves and the Elves. That seems to be normal. The great stories of the Elves and Dwarves wars which brought down their civilizations thousands of years ago.
"While I don't normally fancy Elves, I found them pretty sexy looking in that picture story," Bozes says with a giggle.
Hamilton giggles. "Yes, but I did like Legolas. He has such a cute face."
Bozes elbows Hamilton in the arm. "I'm going to tell that American boy you are leaving him for an Elf."
"Wait... no," Hamilton says in a worried tone. "Don't do that, please. I did not mean it like that. And his name Andrew."
She could not help herself but laugh by that exchange. For as long as she can remember, Hamilton has always had a nervous but soft heart. She hoped that making her a Knight would toughen her up, which it has.
She looks back. "She is just teasing you, Hamilton. But I have to say they got the Dwarves right. Short and ill-mannered."
"Pina, did you find anyone you liked?" Bozes asks, still poking at Hamilton.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...