--- Galo Highway, heading to Elies Forest ---
January 4th, 2026
Lillie Hauroth walks through the camp and set down her bucket of water that she got from a nearby stream. She takes a deep breath. "Damn, it is hot today."
The party's large lizard companion walks right behind her. "Stop complaining," Liz said as he carries two buckets of water.
She looks at him and sticks out her tongue. She then looks to the party slave that they bought in Populis. "Hey boy. Begin boiling the water and start the stew please."
"Don't say please to a slave," Liz said. "You don't want them to think that they are equal otherwise they get funny ideas."
This teenage Human boy stands up and rushes over. "Yes, master." He then grabs her bucket of water and carries it to the fire pit.
"Besides, you know we could have bought a more useful one in Populis," Liz comments.
She crosses her arms and looks up at him. "Yeah, but he was the only cute one and I was the only one who had the money since all of you boys spent it all on girls and drinks. And a fine cook for his age."
Liz looks down at her and gives her a wide eye.
She looks the other away annoyed. "Alright, not all you boys. Still, you men are bad with your money."
"Didn't you buy that dress last week?" Liz asks with a chuckle.
She glares at him and starts yelling. "You don't get to correct me! What I do with my money is my business you prick!" She then crosses her arms and clams down. "Now, where is the boss?"
"Over there doing inventory like always," Liz said.
She frowns hearing that. The party leader Karther Jagith is the man who gave her a job. When she was poor and unemployed, desperate for work, he helped her become an adventure. Knappnai is known for many things. Being the second home of the Gladiator Association and Slave Trade guild, a home trade port between the Empire and The Ticaret Conglomerate. Basically, after many wars between the Empire and the Ticaret Conglomerate, Knappnai became the place for them to pretend to like each other.
But the city is also known for its exotic brothels. While not the most honorable man she ever met, he did allow her to have a life outside of that.
However, she has found that he is lazy. When chores need to be done, he somehow finds a way to get out of it. "Shouldn't he be with Vauo in hunting Deprs?"
Liz sets both buckets down. "I stop caring. I am just happy that we finally have work."
She looks up at him and nods. It has been a month since they had a job. Townsfolk go to a trade or adventure post within a town or city. If they have a task, they pay the guild in advance and post what the job is. It can be in rescuing people from goblins or bandits. Provide security for travelers or just killing monsters. Basically, anything the Imperial Army does not want to do. It is a first come, first serve system.
Right now, they got a job to go to the Elies Forest. The local Elf tribes have been harassing trade along Galo. A local trader has had enough and cannot afford the loss in revenue. It is already bad enough that the war is hurting his business, raiders are the nail in the coffin for a trader.
While the Jagiths party would not take such a job, their level is too high for such a task. Right now, any job is better than none.
"I am going to go clean my sword," She said and walks through the camp.

GATE - War of Two Worlds Part 1
FantasyGate: War of Two Worlds. A Gate story loosely based on the Gate manga/anime. It starts similar and then goes on its own stories. It is a story when a alien Empire invades Philadelphia through a magical Gate in the year 2025. The US leads a NATO-led...